The Chargebacks tab

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Case List

In order to view a chargeback case, you first search for and select a case, then review its details. By searching cases, you can generate a list of cases and then select a case to review. You search for cases using the Case List page.


Using default search criteria

The default option enables the user to specify a value for each of the search fields available. This option is selected by default when the page is accessed. To create a list of cases to work on, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to RAM Tool.

  2. Navigate to Chargebacks > Case List.

  3. Input your MID number into the search box directly under the navigation panel and click "Change".

  4. Use the search options to filter your search:

    • Select the "Status" from the drop-down to filter by transaction status (e.g. "Open", "Closed", "Compliance", etc.).
    • You can select a "Posting Date" range to further narrow your search query.
    • Select the "Transaction Kind" from the drop-down (e.g. "CB1 - 1st Chargeback", "CB2 - 2nd Chargeback", "REP - Re-presentment", etc.).
      Optional filters for this search

    You can further filter the case list returned by applying the following additional search filters to the search:

    Filter Description
    Due Date

    Filter by due date.

      The due date is the latest date by which the case must be worked. This date is calculated based on the central processing date of the retrieval request or chargeback transaction, plus the card network time frame for the incoming transaction reason code, minus a specified number of days configured for the institution.

    Doc. Received Check the "Doc. Received" box to only show cases that have received documentation via Visa Resolve Online (VROL) or MasterCom.
    Card Network Select the "Card Network" from the drop-down list (e.g. Mastercard, Visa, etc.).
    Reason Code Filter by Reason Code. Click here to learn more.
    Dispute Condition

    Filter by Dispute Condition.

      The Dispute Condition is used to in conjunction with the Reason Code to determine the reason for the chargeback.

    ARN Filter by Acquirer Reference Number (ARN).
    Case ID / Scheme ID

    Filter by Case ID / Scheme ID.

    • The Case ID is a 14-digit number that uniquely identifies a case.
    • The Scheme ID is a unique identifier allocated to the case by the card scheme.
    Merchant No. Filter by client number (internal merchant number) or external merchant number.
    Full or 4 digit Card No Filter by card number.
    Work By Date Filter by work by date, the date by which a case should be actioned.
    Limit Results Select from the "Limit Results" drop-down to limit the maximum number of cases to be returned.
    Sort Order

    Select from the "Sort Order" drop-down to specify the order in which cases are to be displayed in the results.

    Custom Data Filter by the custom data reference entered in the 80byte file.

  5. Click "Search" to perform the search.

  6. From the search results, you can click the hyperlinked Case ID or Scheme ID on the left to open details of a specific record.


Viewing the chargeback case list

The results of all searches – whether default or predefined – are shown in a ‘Data Table’. Data tables support standard table controls such as:

  • The data can be sorted by any of the columns
  • The column order in which the data is displayed can be changed temporarily
  • The column widths can be resized

The table format will go back to default values when the page is refreshed.

Column Description
Doc. Received Date when the corresponding documentation from VROL or MasterCom was received.
Case Id The unique identifier for a case assigned by OmniPay Systems. It is also a link to the Chargeback Case Detail Page.
Status Current case status.
External Merchant No. External Merchant Number.
Client Client number (Internal merchant number).
Central Processing Date Central processing date of the latest incoming transaction for the case.
Kind Transaction kind abbreviation of the latest incoming transaction for the case.
Ntwk Card Network.
Card No. Card Number. Masked.
ARN Acquirer Reference Number. It is also a link to the Chargeback Case Detail Page.
RC Card network reason code.
Reason Code Reason code description.
Case Priority Priority of the case category.
Netwk Sett Amt Network settlement amount of the latest incoming transaction for the case.
Netwk Sett Curr Network settlement currency of the latest incoming transaction for the case.
Local Amt Settlement amount expressed in the institutions local currency.
Local Curr Local currency associated with the local amount.
Work By Date The date by which a case should be actioned.
Due Date Countdown The countdown to the due date, that is, the number of days left to the due date.
Due Date Case due date.
Posting Date Posting date of the latest incoming transaction for the case.
CCN Chargeback reference number.
Assigned To Chargeback user name assigned to the case.
Merchant Name Merchant Master DBA name.


Capture Method

Capture method of the original presentment.

For MasterCard e- commerce transactions, the following descriptions are shown:

  • eCommerce Channel Encrypt – UCAF Collection Indicator not available or space filled on the incoming transaction
  • eCommerce Channel Encrypt (UCAF 0) – UCAF Collection Indicator 0, not a UCAF transaction
  • eCommerce Channel Encrypt (UCAF 1) – UCAF Collection Indicator 1, also known as “merchant UCAF”
  • eCommerce Channel Encrypt (UCAF 2) – UCAF Collection Indicator 2, also known as “full UCAF”
Last Merchant Action Last merchant action taken on the case.
User Merchant Action User who performed the last merchant action on the case.
Custom Data The custom data reference that has been entered in the 80byte file.
Transaction Date The presentment transaction date.
Merch Tran Ref. The presentment original merchant reference value.
Merchant Funding Currency The currency in which the merchant was funded for the presentment.
Merch Funding Amt Gr The presentment amount gross in merchant funding currency.


Transaction kinds

Abbreviations Description Direction
PRE Presentment Incoming
CBK1 1st chargeback Incoming
CBK2 2nd chargeback Incoming
REP Representment Outgoing
RRQ Retrieval Request Incoming
FFR Fulfilment Outgoing
NFF Non-fulfilment Outgoing
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