The Merchant Activity tab

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Authorisation history page

The Authorisation History page allows you to search and view historical authorisation information. An authorisation is initially visible only on the Recent Authorisations page. After a delay of up to 48 hours, the authorisation becomes visible on the Authorisation History page. For a period of time, the authorisation is visible on both the Recent Authorisations and Authorisation History page. To prevent the authorisation switch database from growing too large, after a period of time, the authorisation is purged and is no longer visible on the Recent Authorisations page, but continues to be visible on the Authorisation History page.

  An alert is displayed if the search returns more than 10,000 results. The page will only show the first 10,000 lines. The download will contain all entries.

Field Description
Card No Card number (masked with first 6 and last 4 digits)
Exp MMYY Card number expiry date.
Amount Transaction currency and amount at the point of sale.
Auth Code Authorisation code.
Auth Date Authorisation date and time.
Resp Code A free-text description of the response code.
Int RC The 3 digit internal OmniPay response code. Refer to the text in the “Resp Code” field for a description.
Ext RC The external 2 character ISO 8583 response code received from the issuer (or from Visa or MasterCard stand-in processing). Empty if the authorisation request was not forwarded to the card scheme for a response (because the authorisation switch declined the request).
R(eversed) Contains the character “R” if the authorisation has been reversed. Empty if not reversed. The field is empty for authorisations that are reversed after they have been copied to the authorisation history.
POS Entry Mode The Point of Sale Entry Mode. Corresponds to ISO 8583 field 22. The most common values are:
  • 010 to 019: key entered.
  • 020 to 029: magnetic stripe read.
  • 050 to 059: ICC (integrated circuit card, that is, chip).
  • 810 to 819: electronic commerce.
  • 900 to 909: magnetic stripe read and transmitted unaltered. Empty if the POS Entry Mode is not available.
V(oice) V if this is a voice authorisation. Empty otherwise.
AVS Rslt The Address Verification Service (AVS) result code, if available. Empty if not available.
CV2 Rslt

The CVC2 Result Code (MasterCard) or CVV2 Result Code (Visa).

For Visa, the expected values are:

  • M: CVV2 Match.
  • N: CVV2 No Match.
  • P: Not processed.
  • S: The CVV2 should be on the card but the merchant indicates it is not.
  • U: The issuer is not certified or has not provided Visa with encryption keys.

For MasterCard, the expected values are (see MasterCard manual, data element 48, PDS 89):

  • Y: CVC1 incorrect (magnetic stripe error).
  • M: Matched (correct) CVC2.
  • N: Not valid CVC2.
  • P: Processing not performed.
  • U: Unregistered (the issuer does not support this service).
Code 10 “Y” if this is a “code 10” (merchant suspicious) authorisation request. Empty otherwise.
T Card type:
  • M- MasterCard
  • V-Visa
ecomm Typ An indicator for electronic commerce transactions. Possible values are:
  • Blank: Not an electronic commerce transaction.
  • ecomm: An electronic commerce transaction.
  • VbV: A Verified by Visa electronic commerce transaction.
  • UCAF: A MasterCard UCAF electronic commerce transaction.

If it is not possible to identify Verified by Visa and UCAF authorisations specifically Verified by Visa and UCAF authorisations appear as normal electronic commerce (“ecomm”) authorisations.

Mast SLI / Visa ECI Where the merchant offered to perform the transaction, this field shows the actual corresponding values for the Visa card scheme ECI / MasterCard SLI. For Visa authorisations: the 2 digit Visa ECI is displayed. For MasterCard authorisations: the first 2 positions of PDS 42 (the Security Level Indicator) is displayed.
VbV CAVV Rslt For Verified by Visa authorisations, contains the single character Visa CAVV (Cardholder Authentication Verification Value) Result Code. The most common values expected are:
  • 2: CAVV failed validation — authentication
  • 3: CAVV passed validation — attempt.
  • 8: CAVV passed validation — attempt (for U.S. issued cards only)
  • D: CAVV was not validated — authentication.
UCAF Ind The MasterCard UCAF (Universal Cardholder Authentication Field) indicator (from the MasterCard authorisation request, data element 48, PDS 42/security level indicator, byte 3). Possible values are:
  • Empty = not a MasterCard electronic commerce transaction or merchant does not support UCAF.
  • 1=UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant, but UCAF data is not populated.
  • 2=UCAF data collection is supported by the merchant, and UCAF data is populated.
Ret Ref No. The Retrieval Reference Number per transaction.
Subm Tran Id Submitter transaction ID. Filled with a non-space value only when the corresponding field was filled on the authorisation log file.
Card Acceptor Name and Location This field is used in authorisation requests, and related reversal requests for all card transactions. It contains the information necessary for printing on credit card billing statements. The layout is as follows:
  • Subfield 1: Merchant Name.
  • Subfield 2: Merchant City.
  • Subfield 3: Country Code.
Auth Source Indicates the source of the information if known, for example, OmniP refers to the “OmniPay Primary Authorisation Switch”, OmniS refers to the “OmniPay Secondary Authorisation Switch”, FDI refers to the “First Data International” authorisation switch.
MTID The ISO 8583 Message Type Identifier (MTID) of the response message. For example, 0110 for an authorisation response.


E-Wallet Type

Possible values are:
  • V : V.Me by VISA
  • S : V.Me by VISA including shipping address service
  • M : MasterCard PPOL/MasterPass
  • blank : not an eWallet transaction


V.Me Additional Auth Method

Possible Visa V.Me authorisation method values are:
  • 01 : authenticated
  • 02 : Additional 3D Secure authenticated
  • 03 : Additional 3D Secure attempted
  • 04 : Additional one-time password
  • Space : not a Visa Europe transaction
PPOL program data Possible values are:
  • 101 : PPOL/MasterPass Remote PPOL/MasterPass
  • 102 : Remote NFC Payment
  • blank : not a MasterCard transaction
Alternative Merchant ID The specific merchant ID that identifies the particular merchant in aggregator models.


Recent authorisations page

The Recent Authorisations page shows the authorisations currently stored on the OmniPay and authorisation switch. Only the latest 15 days of data is available (older data is archived). Use the Authorisation History Page to review older authorisations.

Field Description
Trace No. Internal authorisation switch trace number for the authorisation.
Trans Date Transaction date at the point of sale.
Trans Time Transaction time at the point of sale.
Card No Card number.
Exp MMYY Card expiry date in month-year format.
Trans Curr Transaction currency code.
Amount Transaction amount, in the transaction currency.
Response Desc Free-text description of the response code.
Auth Code Authorisation code.
Reversed Contains the string “Reversed” if the authorisation has been reversed. Empty otherwise.
RC Internal authorisations switch response code.
Vce V if this is a voice authorisation, empty otherwise.
MTID The ISO 8583 Message Type Identifier (MTID) of the response message. For example, 0110 for an authorisation response.


Posted transaction charges page

The Posted Transaction Charges page provide reporting of posted transaction charges and how they are applied based on transaction slips and associated transaction charges.

Field Description
Merchant Id The external merchant number.
Posting Date The date the charge was posted.
Charge Model Indicates if the charge which generated the posted charge was a Default or Merchant Specific charge.
Slips Number of transactions associated with the posted charge.
Service Type The card service type against which the charge will apply. Generally set to Credit Card, Debit Card or All.
Capture Method The capture method(s) against which the charge will apply.
Area of Event Card network region applicable for the transaction.
Account Currency The merchant account currency.
Posting Charge The posted transaction charge fee type, e.g. Merchant Price Interchange.
Charge Type The type of charge being generated e.g. Per Tran fee, Assessment fee, Commission etc.
Tran. Type The transaction type against which the charge will apply (e.g. Purchase, Refund (Credit), etc.
Service ID The acquiring service against which the charge will apply.
Fee Category The pricing mechanism to be used e.g. Interchange Plus, Pricing Plus Fees.
Charge Amount The charge amount expressed in the merchant account currency.
Posted Net Amount The posted net amount expressed in the merchant account currency.
Gross/Net Ind. Indicates whether the charge will be gross (plus charges) or net of the transaction itself depending on posting method.
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