The Profile tab

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Merchant details page

The Merchants Details Page on Profile > Merchant Details displays information relating to your merchant setup and MID.

The main part of the Merchant details page displays the following information:

Field Description
Company Name Merchant company name.
Registration No. Merchant company registration number.
VAT No. / Tax ID Merchant registered VAT or Tax number.
Country Drop-down list of countries.
State If the “Country” selected is the United States or Canada, this field is mandatory. It will contain a drop-down list showing valid states for the selected country.
City/URL/Tel No. Merchant city/the address of the merchant’s webpage/ Merchant telephone number.
Merchant Category Merchant category code (MCC) and description.
Retailer Category Retailer category code (RCC) and description.
Legal Form Company entity type.
Contact Name The contact name at the merchant’s address.
Service Tel No The Merchant’s service telephone number.
Client Language Merchant language.
Client Region Indicates whether the merchant profile information is from the Merchant Master File or the submitted transaction.
Credit Delta Indicator Indicates if credit delta surcharges are required for the merchant.
Billback Indicator Used to determine whether billbacks (associated with network reclassification processing) are passed to the merchant and how they are to be charged.
Merchant Status Current merchant status.
Active Date The date the merchant was boarded to the OmniPay system.
Service Contract id/Status/ Date The service contract processing applicable to a merchant/the status of the contract/date of the contract.
Client Tariff The client tariff assigned to the merchant.
Posting Method The posting method assigned to the merchant.
Settlement Method The settlement method assigned to for the merchant’s service contract.
Billing Level Indicates whether the account is at a billing level.
Parent Client No. The parent client number.
Parent Trade Name The parent trade name.
Statement Generation Indicates whether a statement is to be generated for this account.
Statement Type The type of statement to be generated for the merchant.
Account Number Internal account number.
Account Active Date The date of the first transaction posted to the currently selected account.
Account Current Balance The balance of the currently selected account


Further merchant details are provided on the following tabs:

  • Bank account information
  • Address details
  • Acquiring services
  • Terminal information
  • Merchant references


Account fees page

The Account Fees page displays active account charges associated with the current selected merchant. The fee name, amount and frequency with which the fee is charged are all displayed. A Merchant account may have zero, one or more fees associated with it. This is dependent on your contract with Trust Payments Malta.

The account fees displayed may be the default fees associated with the service contract or they may be fees specific to your set up, which supersede the default fee. Only fees currently applicable to your Merchant ID (MID) are shown on this page.

The table format of the page allows you to change column width, sort by any column and change the column order. The table format will go back to default values when refreshing the page and the data can be downloaded in Excel or CSV format.

Field Description
Expiry Date The date the fee will be expired.
Fee Name The description of the transaction that will be posted to the merchant account.
Trigger Source The condition that triggers the fee.
Account Type The account type associated with the fee.
Fee Curr. The currency for the amount shown in the fee base, minimum or maximum amount.
Account Curr. The currency of the account associated with the fee.
Percentage If not zero, indicates the percent of the transaction amount to be charged.
Base If not zero, indicates the base amount to be charged.
Min. If not zero, indicates the minimum amount to be charged. This amount will be charged if the calculated percentage amount is less than the specified minimum amount.
Max. If not zero, indicates the maximum amount to be charged. This amount will be charged if the calculated percentage amount is above the specified maximum amount.
Trigger High Value May be used in conjunction with the trigger source to define the condition that triggers the fee but is relevant only in certain cases e.g. if activity is less than a pre- defined high value, a minimum processing fee may be generated.
Trigger Low Value May be used in conjunction with the trigger source to define the condition that triggers the fee. This is only relevant in certain cases.
Fee Mode Indicates if the fee is being generated or suppressed.
Fee Level Indicates the level at which fees will be generated e.g. Billing or Member.


Settlement page

The Settlement page displays settlement and payment instructions associated with the currently selected Merchant account. The settlement instructions define how the account is to be settled.

The Settlement page also indicates whether or not the account is at billing level. A message at the top of the page indicates if the account is at billing level. When the billing level of the member Merchant is set at group or sub-group level, the page indicates that the account is not at billing level and indicates for which Merchant and account the billing is done. The settlement instructions for the billing level merchant will be shown.


Transaction charges page

The Transaction Charges page displays all active transaction charges associated with services which are currently active for the selected Merchant. Charges that cannot be made Merchant specific (e.g. assessment fees, cross border fees) are also displayed. The list of charges displayed can be refined using the various selection drop down lists available:

  • “Services” lists all the active services for the merchant. The default option is All.
  • “Transaction Type” lists the different transaction types that have active transaction charges. The default option is All.
  • “Charge Type” lists all the active charge types for the merchant. The default option is All.
  • “Fee Category” lists all the active fee categories for the merchant. The default option is All. Only charges currently applicable to the merchant are shown on this page.

Field Description
Percentage If not zero, this field displays the percent of the transaction amount to be charged.
Base If not zero, this field indicates the base amount to be charged.
Fee Currency The currency for the amount shown in the fee base, minimum or maximum fields.
Inward Fee The narrative of the generated fee.
Charge Type The type of charge being generated e.g. Per Tran fee, Assessment fee, Commission etc.
Service Id The acquiring service against which the charge will apply.
Transaction Type The transaction type against which the charge will apply.
Card Service Type The card service type against which the charge will apply. Generally set to Credit, Debit or All.
Service Contract assessment fees The service contract under which the transaction charge was defined. This can be the service contract associated with the merchant or the clearing service contract. The clearing service contract may be shown depending on configuration.
Minimum If not zero, this field indicates the minimum amount to be charged. This amount will be charged if the calculated percentage amount is less than the specified minimum amount.
Maximum If not zero, this field indicates the maximum amount to be charged. This amount will be charged if the calculated percentage amount is above the specified maximum amount.
Capture Method The capture method(s) against which the charge will apply.
Fee Category The pricing mechanism to be used e.g. Interchange Plus, Pricing Plus Fees. Only the setting on commission records is relevant.
Tran Currency This is the original transaction currency. 999 signifies all transaction currencies.
Area of Event The area of event(s) against which the charge will apply.
Charge Tier Level Indicates the tier level of the transaction. Where relevant it indicates the tier level of the charge.
Fee Id Generally ‘n/a’. This field may be used for special pricing mechanisms e.g. “Interchange Pass Through” to link the merchant price level to a particular interchange category (or Fee Program Identifier).
Posting Method Indicates whether the charge will be gross or net of the transaction itself.
Outward Fee The narrative of the generated fee in some instances.
Fee Mode Indicates if the charge is being generated or if it is suppressed.
Effective Date The date when the charge becomes effective.
Expiry Date The date the charge will be expired.
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