Introduction to MyST Rule manager

  Last updated: 

The Rule manager allows you to create your own customised rules (or activate/deactivate pre-defined system rules) on your site references.

For example:

  • Send email notifications to you and your customers.
  • Submitting a notification to your system when a transaction has been processed on your site.
  • Cancelling or suspending a transaction based on the outcome of certain checks performed.

  Required user roles

Site admin

  How to access

Rules are configured separately for each site reference you have access to.
Select your site from the “Sites” page and click the “Rule manager” icon.


Process overview

When configuring rules on your account, you need to understand the following three properties:



  • Condition defines the circumstances under which an Action will be performed.
    (e.g. The Condition could be: for all successful Visa authorisations)
  • Trust Payments will perform an Action when all criteria of a Condition have been met.
    (e.g. The Action could be: send the customer a receipt email)
  • Conditions and Actions are joined together to establish a Rule.
    (e.g. The Rule could be: for all successful Visa authorisations, send the customer a receipt email)


  To create a rule:

  1. Create a condition
  2. Create an action
  3. Use these to create a rule



  Video tutorial


  Useful links

  Condition management

  Action management

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