Creating a rule

  Last updated: 


To create a rule, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have selected the correct site reference from the top of the page. (Each rule created can only be assigned to one site reference)


  2. Select the relevant action type from the drop-down box and click “Go”.

      When configuring rules using our MyST Rule Manager, there are a number of different types of Actions that can be performed when pre-defined Conditions are met. e.g. we can update your system with the latest transaction information. Click here to learn more.


  3. Use the drop-downs provided to assign a condition to an action. If this is the first time you have used the Rule manager, you will likely need to create new conditions and actions. Click the links provided on-screen to do this.


      We recommend testing your rules on your test site reference before re-creating them on your live site reference.

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