
  Last updated: 

You can use the Display options area to change the language used on your MyST account.

  Required user roles

Available to everyone.

  How to access

Click “Display options” from the config menu (upper-right of any MyST page).



MyST allows you to change the language and format of data presented on screen for your convenience:

  • Text and field names change for easier reading. e.g. English postcodes can be changed to American zip codes.
  • Dates are formatted according to the local convention. e.g. 4th May can become May 4th.


To change the language, first go to your Display options and expand the “Profile” section.

Choose your preferred language from the options available in the "Language" drop-down, and then click “Save” at the bottom of the overlay to confirm. (Note: This change requires MyST to be reloaded in your browser to take effect)


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