Display options

  Last updated: 

You can use the Display options area to modify settings pertaining to the appearance of user elements visible on MyST

  Required user roles

Some features can only be accessed by those with supported user roles.

  How to access

Click “Display options” from the config menu (upper-right of any MyST page).




You can use the settings provided here to modify the appearance of tables displayed across MyST.


Note: The “Responsive” setting is not applied when viewing tables on a mobile device.



You can change the following settings and then click “Save” to confirm. (Note: This change requires MyST to be reloaded in your browser to take effect)




There are currently two themes you can apply to MyST. Select your preferred theme from the options shown and click “Save” to confirm. (Note: This change requires MyST to be reloaded in your browser to take effect)


Light theme


Dark theme



You can change the currency in which data is displayed on the Dashboard graphs. Select your preferred currency from the options shown and click “Save” to confirm. (Note: This change requires MyST to be reloaded in your browser to take effect)

  The exchange rates used to convert the amounts displayed on the Dashboard are updated once per day. As such, they may differ slightly from those found using other sources.

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