Payment pages merchant email

  Last updated: 


This action is used to send an email to yourself and/or members of your organisation following a Payment Pages transaction, when the associated condition(s) has been met.

e.g. For successful transactions over £600, send an email confirmation to

Merchant email notifications are sent from Trust Payments’s systems when pre-specified criteria are met. These are designed to be sent to your company, containing a customised selection of fields.

Please ensure your email server is configured to accept all incoming emails from the email address you specified when configuring the notification.

Within the action, you can specify the recipient, email subject and “from” and “reply to” addresses.

Screenshot of merchant email (Click to enlarge)


Included fields

The following fields are included as default within email notifications:

  If these fields are not populated during the payment session, they will be omitted from the email notification.

  • Auth Code
  • Billing Country
  • Billing County
  • Billing Email
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing Postcode
  • Billing Premise
  • Billing Street
  • Billing Town
  • Currency
  • Main Amount
  • Merchant Name
  • Order Reference
  • Request Type
  • Transaction Reference
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