Action types

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  URL notifications

URL notification actions are requests sent from Trust Payments to a pre-defined URL.
These notifications contain information about requests processed on your Trust Payments account.

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  Payment pages customer email

This action is used to send an email to the customer’s billing email address following a Payment Pages transaction, when the associated condition(s) has been met (e.g. for successful transactions).

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  Payment pages merchant email

This action is used to send an email to yourself and/or members of your organisation following a Payment Pages transaction, when the associated condition(s) has been met.

e.g. For successful transactions over £600, send an email confirmation to

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  Payment pages redirect

This action is used to redirect the customer’s browser from the Payment Pages following a transaction, when the associated condition(s) has been met. The customer’s browser bypasses Trust Payments’s default response page and is redirected to the URL specified in the action.

e.g. For successful transactions, redirect the customer’s browser to your website.

Click here to learn more.

  Payment pages required fields

This action is used to designate fields as required on the Payment Pages when the associated condition(s) has been met.

e.g. For Mastercard transactions, you could specify the billing name as required.

Click here to learn more.

  Update response action

Click here to learn more.

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