To process a refund using Backoffice, follow the steps below:
In Backoffice, navigate to Orders using the navigation on the left, and identify the order that you wish to refund.
Click the “ORDER DETAILS” tab and then the “Full Refund” button. Follow the instructions displayed on screen to process the refund.
Once a refund has been initiated from Backoffice, a success message will be displayed. The “Total Refunded” amount for the order is also updated to reflect the refund processed.
When you process a refund, the extension checks the status of the transaction being refunded and automatically performs the appropriate action:
- If the transaction is still pending settlement, a CANCEL request is processed in the SAP environment and the Order Status is updated to "CANCELLED". Meanwhile, in the Trust Payments environment, the settle status is updated to "3 - Cancelled". This sends an instruction to release the funds reserved on the customer's bank account (AKA a reversal).
- If the transaction has already settled, a REFUND_STANDALONE request is processed in the SAP environment. This in turn triggers the processing of a REFUND request in the Trust Payments environment. You can typically expect the refund to be settled overnight but you can always check the settle status of the REFUND using Portal.
If you wish to perform a partial refund on an order, please follow the steps below:
In Backoffice, navigate to Orders using the navigation on the left, and identify the order that you wish to refund.
Click the “ORDER DETAILS” tab and then the “Create Return” button.
You will be prompted to create a return request, where you will need to specify the refund amount and choose whether or not to return the item to stock. Once you have reviewed the information displayed on screen, click “CONFIRM SELECTED” to continue.
If successful, you will be displayed a success message and a new return entry will be added to the “Returns” page (with the Status “COMPLETED”). The “Total Refunded” amount for the order is also updated to reflect the refund processed.
When you process a refund, the extension checks the status of the transaction being refunded and automatically performs the appropriate action:
- If the transaction is still pending settlement, an UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION request is processed in the SAP environment. Meanwhile, in the Trust Payments environment, an update is processed to lower the settle amount. This means that once the transaction has settled for this lower amount, the remaining funds reserved on the customer's bank account are released back to the customer.
- If the transaction has already settled, a REFUND_STANDALONE request is processed in the SAP environment. This in turn triggers the processing of a REFUND request in the Trust Payments environment. You can typically expect the refund to be settled overnight but you can always check the settle status of the REFUND using Portal.