View/edit user

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.

You can view “Profile” pages to view information about your child users and change their settings.

  Required user roles


  How to access

Select “Settings" and then Users” from the left navigation bar. Then click the   icon under the Actions column on the right of the table to action a given user.


General table

The following information is displayed:

Field Comment
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Username User's username (this cannot be modified).
Role User's assigned role.
Primary Email User's primary email address.
Secondary Email User's secondary email address.

Indicates whether the user account is "Locked" or "Unlocked". Locked user accounts are prevented from signing in to Portal. You can lock/unlock accounts from the Actions column on the "Users" page.

Language Changes the language displayed.
Multi-factor Authentication

Allows you to view the user's authentication method(s) and to temporarily disable to allow the user to reset. Because Multi-Factor Authentication is required, the user will be prompted to set up their authentication again the next time they sign in.

Click here to learn more about setting up Multi-Factor Authentication.

Timezone Changes the timezone of all timestamps displayed to the user. (Hover your cursor over a timestamp to view it in UTC)
Users Click "View" to see a list of the user's allocated child users.

Sites / Access group

(Users can be assigned site reference(s) OR access group(s))

Click "View" to see a list of the user's allocated site reference(s) / access group(s).

  Any Trust Payments Merchant Id(s) (MID) associated with allocated site references can also be accessed by the user.


Access table

Field Comment
Last Log In (GMT) The date and time the user last logged in.
Last IP The IP address of where the user last logged in from.
Device The type of device that last logged in.
OS The Operating System (OS) being run by the device that last logged in.
Browser The web browser being run by the device that last logged in.


Edit user

Click the "Edit" button at the top of the page, and the page will update to show a form where you can make changes to the user's information.

Clicking "Reset" will undo any unsaved changes made on this form, allowing you to start over if necessary.

When you have finished making changes, click "Save".

Otherwise, click "Cancel" to be returned to the view-only page.

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