Managing users

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.


You can use the “Users” page to view and manage your users.

  Required user roles


  How to access

Select “Settings" and then "Users” from the left navigation bar.



This page allows Admin users to view all their users and perform management actions as necessary. For each user, the following information is displayed:

  For a user to be displayed here, you must have access to all site references they have been assigned.

Column name Description
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's first name.
Username The unique username.

Can be one of the following:

  • ACTIVE - User has full access to their Portal account.
  • AWAITING_NEW_PASSWORD - User is resetting their password (or their password has expired, meaning they will prompted to change their password on next sign in).
  • LOCKED_OUT - User has been locked due to entering the incorrect password too many times. Learn more.
  • PROVISIONED - This is a new user who has been emailed a link to sign in for the first time. They need to use this link to sign in and complete the Portal onboarding process by setting their password and Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • RECOVERY - A password reset has been requested for the user.
  • STAGED - This status is assigned to existing users migrated over from the MyST platform who have yet to be emailed their link to start the Portal onboarding process (this email is automatically sent in phases to batches of users). Note: Admins can trigger this process manually by clicking "Activate user" from the actions drop-down on the right of the table.
  • SUSPENDED - User has either been inactive for 90 days or manually locked out of their account by Admin. They will have no access to their account until Admin unlocks. Learn more.

User's assigned role. This determines the features they have access to. Click here to learn more.

Primary Email User's primary email address.
Last logged in (GMT) Timestamp of when the user last signed in.
Added Date (GMT) Timestamp of when the user was added to Portal.
Modified Date (GMT) Timestamp of when changes were last made to user's account.

You can sort the table by different columns by clicking the column headings.


Find in results

At the top of the page, we provide a search utility to help you find your child users. Type in the name of a child user assigned to your account (or part of it) and the table will be filtered as you type.



The right-most column contains a series of frequently-performed actions that have been made available for quick access for each user. These are as follows:

  • View/Edit – Click this to view further information on the user, and make changes to their account, if necessary.
  • Reset MFA – If a user needs to reset their multi-factor authentication, this will allow them to set up multi-factor authentication from scratch.
  • Resend new user email – New users are sent an email with a link to sign in to their account for the first time and set their password. If the email was not received by the user, or has expired, you can request this email is resent.
  • Activate user - This option is only available when managing users migrated over from the MyST platform who have yet to be emailed their link to start the Portal onboarding process (this email is automatically sent in phases to batches of users). Click this option to trigger this process manually.
  • Lock/Unlock – Locking a user prevents sign in until the account is manually unlocked again. Click here to learn more.
  • Delete – Click the bin icon to delete the child user. You will be prompted for confirmation before deletion occurs. Caution: Deleted users cannot be recovered.
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