Does Apple Pay support subscriptions?

  Last updated: 

  Subscriptions and recurring payments can be enabled for Apple Pay transactions

There are three methods that can be used to do this:

  Schedule subscription with immediate payment

  Scheduling subscriptions in this way means our Subscription Engine will automatically process recurring payments at the intervals you define in the request.

Your app will need to process a combined THREEDQUERY, AUTH, SUBSCRIPTION request.


  Schedule subscription without immediate payment

  Scheduling subscriptions in this way means our Subscription Engine will automatically process recurring payments at the intervals you define in the request.

Your app will need to process a combined THREEDQUERY, ACCOUNTCHECK, SUBSCRIPTION request.


  Manually process recurring payments

  Using our Webservices API, your system can be configured to process each repeat payment manually.

When the next payment is due, your app will need to process an AUTH request that follows our specification. Click here to learn how.

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