How can I be notified of subscriptions?

  Last updated: 

Once your site has been set up to process subscriptions, it is recommended that you opt-in to receiving notifications to keep you informed of payments processed on your account by the subscription engine.


Subscription reports

If you would like to receive email reports that show subscription payments processed on your site, please contact our Support Team.


Structure of email

If you have the email report enabled on your account, you will receive an email from, for each day that subscription payments are processed. You will receive a maximum of one email per day.

  The email will be sent from, with the subject “Subscription Report for [date in YYYY-MM-DD]”.
Please add a rule or filter to your email client to prevent the emails from being classified as junk mail / spam.

The emails are presented in the format of a table, with the following fields:

Field Comment
Subscription reference The subscription reference is a unique Trust Payments reference for the subscription transaction.
Transaction reference The transaction reference is a unique Trust Payments reference for the transaction.
Account This is the account type description supplied within the request. This should be “RECUR”.
Request The type of request processed.


Note: AUTH is an Authorisation request.

Currency The payment currency.
Settle status

Indicates if the payment has settled.

Click here to learn more about this field.

Auth code The authorisation code provided by the issuing bank.
Error code

The error code is used to determine if the request was successful or not.

Click here for a full list of errorcode values.

Base amount The amount in base units, with no commas or decimal points. For example, £10 would be shown as 1000.
Sitereference The Site reference identifies your individual account.
Subscription frequency The interval between subscription payments.
Subscription number This represents the position of the transaction within a series of subscription payments. E.g. 5/10 would represent the 5th transaction out of 10.
Subscription type This is the type of subscription: “RECURRING” or “INSTALLMENT”.
(Optional) Acquirer advice code A numeric value returned, indicating if further payments can be processed. As this field is only supported by certain acquiring banks, you will need to ask our Support Team to add this to your report.


Example email report for Subscriptions


Error reports

If you would like to receive an email if a subscription transaction processed on your site returns an error, please contact our Support Team.


Structure of email

If you have the email report enabled on your account, you will receive an email from, for each day that subscription payments are processed. You will receive a maximum of one email per day. More than one subscription can appear in one email, and are separated by spaces.

  The email will be sent from with the subject “Trust Payments transaction error”. 
Please add a rule or filter to your email client to prevent the emails from being classified as junk mail / spam.

Here is an example of a subscription error email report (in this case, the customer’s card has been declined):

Problem with processing transaction 3-64-56 – 70000 Decline subscriptionnumber:2


Scheme update reports

  Only applies to merchants who have enabled Scheme updates on their site reference(s). Learn more.

You will receive an email from for each day that Trust Payments receives results for scheme update checks from Visa Account Updater (VAU) and Mastercard’s Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) systems, including updated payment credentials (payment type, expiry date and masked card number). They are presented in the format of a table. You will receive a maximum of one email per day (if there are no updates, you will not receive an email).

  The email will be sent from
Please add a rule or filter to your email client to prevent the emails from being classified as junk mail / spam.


“Stopped” subscription reports

  Only applies to merchants who have enabled Scheme updates on their site reference(s). Learn more.

  About “Stopped” subscriptions

If we have received a request to stop a subscription, the Subscription engine will automatically prevent future payments from being processed.

The active field associated with the subscription is updated to “3”, meaning “Stopped”. Click here for further information on the active field.

You will receive an email from for each day that Trust Payments receives any requests to stop active subscriptions, from Visa Account Updater (VAU) and Mastercard’s Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) systems. They are presented in the format of a table. You will receive a maximum of one email per day (if no Subscriptions are requested to be “Stopped”, you will not receive an email report).

  The email will be sent from
Please add a rule or filter to your email client to prevent the emails from being classified as junk mail / spam.


URL notifications

It is possible to configure URL notifications to be submitted to your system, following each payment processed on your site by the subscription engine. (One notification per transaction)

To configure this, sign in to Portal and navigate to the “Rule Manager”.

If you are new to the Rule Manager, we recommend reading this information in conjunction with our Rule Manager documentation.

  1. Choose the site reference

    Select the site through which you are processing subscriptions and the action type “URL Notification” from the drop-down.

  2. Create the condition

    Create a condition for completed requests, with the following properties:

    • Account type is “RECUR”.
    • Request type is “AUTH”.
    • Select all payment types, currencies and settle statuses.
    • Error code is “0”.

  3. Create the action
    If you haven’t already, create a new action with the URL of your server and include the fields you would like to be included in the notification.

  4. Create the rule

    Using the Rule manager, assign the condition to the action, and click “Save”. Ensure the checkbox in the “Active” column in ticked, indicating the new rule is active.

  5. Respond to the notification

    You must configure your system to respond to a notification with an HTTP 200 OK response.
    For example: “HTTP/1.0 200 OK”.
    Your system must reply within 8 seconds of receiving a notification.
    Click here for further information on URL notifications.

  Ensure you have tested the rule on your test site before applying it to your live site.

  If you have Scheme updates enabled on your site(s):

By default, we will automatically configure URL notifications when enabling the scheme update feature on your site reference. These notifications will contain the results of Scheme updates checks that are performed.

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