What does the subscription "active" field mean?

  Last updated: 


The active field is used to show the status of a Subscription.

  0 – Inactive

  • This status disables the automatic processing of a Subscription.
  • You can manually change Subscriptions to this status from any other status (except “3”).
  • You can re-enable “Inactive” Subscriptions at any time by updating them to status “1”.

  If you re-enable an inactive Subscription, our Subscription Engine will “catch up” on any missed payments that would have been taken had the Subscription not been disabled.

  1 – Active

  • This status enables the automatic processing of a Subscription.
  • You can manually change Subscriptions to this status from any other status (except “3”).
  • You can disable Subscriptions at any time by updating them to status “0” or “3”.

  2 – Pending

  • After a Subscription is first scheduled, it will be in status “2” until the first payment has been settled. Following settlement, the status will automatically change to “1”, indicating an active Subscription (see above).

  This is to prevent Subscription payments being processed if the initial transaction has not completed, and also to ensure fraud and duplicate checks are carried out (such checks are opt-in).

  • If you want to enable the Subscription, regardless of whether or not the initial payment was settled successfully, you can manually update this status to “1”.
  • You cannot manually change Subscriptions to status “2”.

  3 – Stopped

  • This status indicates a Subscription has been permanently stopped.
  • Subscriptions can be automatically updated to this status if SCHEMEUPDATE is enabled on your site reference(s). If the customer contacts their bank to cancel the Subscription, we will automatically update it to status “3”.
  • Alternatively, you can manually update the status to “3” to prevent any future Subscription payments from being processed.
  • It is not possible to resume the Subscription once it has been stopped (status “3”). To process further payments, you will need to schedule a new Subscription.
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