Error codes

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The errorcode is a fundamentally important field as it displays the outcome of the submitted request. It is returned in every response from Trust Payments.

  If the errorcode is “0”, this indicates the request was processed successfully.

It is imperative that you have a process in place to check the final status of the processed request, by looking at the values of the other fields returned.

  If the errorcode is “30000”, this indicates a field error.

If you look at the errordata field returned, this typically contains the name of the field that was deemed invalid. You will need to retry the request, ensuring all required fields have been submitted, and that all submitted field values follow our specification.

  If the errorcode is “70000”, this indicates a payment was declined by your bank.

We recommend that you show an error message to the customer and allow them to try a different method of payment.

  If the errorcode is “71000”, this indicates a soft decline was returned by the card issuer.

This has occurred because card issuer declined the request due to absence of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). You will need to resubmit the transaction with the necessary EMV 3DS authentication. Click here for full instructions.

  If the errorcode is “60010”, “60034” or “99999”, there has been a problem processing the request and the final status is not known.

This can be due to a communication problem with a bank or third party. In such cases, we recommend informing the customer of the problem and to contact you to query the issue. You will need to contact our Support Team, providing a copy of the entire request submitted and response returned, and we will contact the relevant parties to establish the status of the request. In the interest of security, ensure you omit or mask sensitive field values, such as card details.

If the errorcode is not listed above, please refer to our full list of errorcodes for assistance. If you need further help, please contact our Support Team.

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