What is Protect Plus?

  Last updated: 


Protect Plus is a sophisticated counter-fraud service that provides your site with an extra layer of security against fraudulent transactions. It makes use of the industry’s largest negative database to perform a comprehensive suite of fraud assessments, including identity checks against the UK electoral roll and BT databases.


Process overview

  Sign up for Protect Plus

Before you can get started, you will need to contact our Sales Team and enable Protect Plus on your account.


What checks are performed?

We analyse the customer’s billing, delivery and payment details using a rule-based system to detect suspicious patterns in user activity. Our system will assist you in deciding on whether to process a customer’s transaction based on the perceived level of risk. Checks performed include:

  • The industry’s largest negative database.
  • Neural-based fraud assessments.
  • Tumbling or Swapping, where there is an unusual usage pattern in the card number, expiration date or customer details associated with a transaction.

  Protect Plus does not guarantee against fraud

You should consider all data regarding a transaction before accepting the payment.


What happens after the checks are performed?

The Protect Plus system will analyse transaction details and issue one of the following fraudcontrolshieldstatuscode values:

  “ACCEPT” The details are not deemed suspicious.
  “CHALLENGE” Further investigation is recommended.
  “DENY” The details are suspicious and a transaction should not be performed.
  “NOSCORE” Transaction was declined by the acquirer before checks were performed.


Order of requests

Protect Plus checks are performed when you update your payment form to submit a RISKDEC request as part of the transaction. There are two methods to do this:

  • RISKDEC then AUTH – Perform the checks first, then seek authorisation for the payment. By default, we suspend suspicious payments, allowing you to investigate them before proceeding.
  • AUTH then RISKDEC – Seek authorisation for the payment first, then perform the checks. Checks performed are more accurate because they take the results of AVSSecurity Code Checks and 3-D Secure into account.



To enable Protect Plus, please refer to the relevant documentation for your solution:

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