Adding users

  Last updated: 

You can add child user accounts to help manage your account. Each user can be assigned a distinct role, which only permits them to access features they need.

  Required user roles

Site admin

  How to access

Select “Users” from the left and click the “Add user” icon.



Fill in the fields displayed to add a new user:



"Details" section

Name of field Type Length Description
Username (required) Alphanumeric including symbols 7-255 The user’s unique identifier.
Display name Alphanumeric 100 The user’s display name will be displayed in the upper left corner when they are logged in. This field is optional, and the user’s display name will revert to the username if this field is left blank.
Email address Email address 255 (64 before the “@” symbol) Email address where notices regarding the MyST account are sent.


"Password and role" section

Name of field Type Length Description
New password
Password 8-50

By default, a randomly generated string of characters. You can opt to change this password during user account creation, or at a later time, either by yourself or by the user you are adding (depending on role).

Clicking the eye icon will show/hide the password from view.

MyST password policy  
  • Length: 8-50 characters
  • Contain at least one character from each of the following groups:
    • UPPERCASE letters: A-Z
    • lowercase letters: a-z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • At least one of the following symbols: ~!#$%^&*(_{[}]<,>?

"£" and "@" characters are not supported.


The role of the new user (defaults to Site user).

Click here for further information.

Valid IP/network(s)
IP Address 255 You may choose to restrict the user’s access to certain IP addresses or reduce the access privileges given to a user when they connect from a different network.
  • You can specify a single IP, e.g. “”.
  • Multiple IP addresses are separated by either a semicolon (;) or a comma (,). e.g. “;”.
  • Ranges of IPs are be specified by using a netmask in the CIDR format. e.g. “”.

*In the interest of security, this field is required for both Webservices and Site Admin roles.

Role if invalid IP N/A N/A If a user connects from an IP address outside the range(s) specified then their access can be reduced or prevented. Select “Prevent login” to disable access or choose a role with lower privileges.


"Sites" section

Once you have populated the necessary fields above, you will need to allocate a minimum of 1 site to the user. To do this, type the name of the site(s) you would like to assign and select from the drop-down that appears.


"Avatar" section

Name of field Type Length Description
Current avatar Image N/A If an avatar has not been assigned, a generic placeholder will be displayed instead. (You can upload an image at a later time)
Avatar Image N/A Click “Upload Icon…” to upload an image to be used as the user’s avatar.

The image must have one of the following image extensions:
jpeg, jpg, png, svg

Click “Save” to save the user.
Click “Save and add new user” to save the user, and clear the form above so you can add further users.

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