Two-factor authentication

  Last updated: 

To protect your account from unauthorised access, we strongly recommend enabling two-factor authentication. This verification is required at sign in for users able to perform administrative actions on your site, or access cardholder data, as mandated in the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v3.2. Setup is straightforward and should only take a few minutes. Once enabled, you will be prompted for a 6 digit code provided by an authenticator app in order to access your account. The below will guide you through the process of installing and configuring this app.

  Required user roles

Required for the following user roles:
Developer, Developer 2, Site admin, “View only transactions, fees and merchant statements”

Optional for the following user roles:
Basic user, Pay by Link, Site user, Site user 2, Transaction admin, Transaction admin 2, View only transactions

  How to access

When signing into MyST for the first time, you may be prompted to configure two-factor authentication in order to proceed. This occurs if two-factor authentication is required for your user's assigned role (as shown in required list above).

Alternatively you can enable or reset two-factor authentication on your own MyST user account manually by navigating to your profile page and clicking the "Two-factor authentication" toggle (see screenshot below).

To enable/disable two-factor authentication for a child user, search for the user and navigate to their profile page. Use the "Two-factor authentication" toggle to enable/disable verification on their account.





Clicking “Set up” will take you through to the steps required to link an authenticator app to your MyST account. This involves installing and configuring the app.

Ensure you keep this MyST window open, as you will need information available here to complete the setup process.

Screenshot of two-factor authentication setup prompt.


Install an authenticator app

As per the prompt displayed, you will need to select and install your preferred authenticator app.



For mobile devices we suggest:


  We do not supply the authenticator software and therefore cannot provide troubleshooting for these applications. You will need to contact the software provider directly for this.


Set up two-factor authentication using the app

Google Authenticator

You will first need to download and install the app.

Click here to download Google Authenticator

When you first open the app, you will be prompted to create an account with Google if you haven't done so already.

Once signed in using your Google account, tap the "+" icon in the bottom-right of the screen to link MyST to the authenticator app.


You will then be given the choice to either scan a QR code or enter the setup key.


MyST will display both of these during the setup process, meaning you can scan the QR code with your mobile phone's camera or copy/paste the key.

Scanning the QR code shown in MyST - if your device supports this - is the easiest way to proceed, as this will pre-fill the account details in the app.

But you can still enter these details manually if preferred. On MyST, hover your cursor over the black box to reveal the secret code and then type this into the form provided to proceed.



  If entering the key manually into the Google Authenticator app, ensure you select "Time-based" from the drop-down.


To complete two-factor authentication setup, MyST will prompt you for an access code from the Google Authenticator. This is to ensure the method of authentication has been configured correctly before it is enabled on your MyST account.


After setup has been completed, two-factor authentication will be successfully enabled on your user account. From now on, you will be prompted for an access code from the Google Authenticator when signing in to MyST. You can open the Google Authenticator app to retrieve this code and type this into MyST to gain access to your account.

Microsoft Authenticator

You will first need to download and install the app.

Click here to download Microsoft Authenticator

When you first open the app, you will be prompted to create an account with Microsoft if you haven't done so already.

Once signed in using your Microsoft account, press the "+" icon in the top-right of the screen to link MyST to the authenticator app.


You will then be asked which account type you would like to add. Select "Other" from the options displayed.


You will be presented with a screen to scan the QR code from MyST - this is the easiest way to proceed, as this will pre-fill the account details in the app.


You can however enter the setup key manually by tapping “Or enter code manually”. If you tap the option to enter the code manually, you will be presented with a form to name the connection (i.e. "MyST") and to enter the secret code. In MyST, hover your cursor over the black box to reveal the secret code and then type this into the form provided to proceed.




Once you have input this information, tap "Finish" and a code for MyST will display on the front page.


To complete two-factor authentication setup, MyST will prompt you for an access code from the Microsoft Authenticator. This is to ensure the method of authentication has been configured correctly before it is enabled on your MyST account.


After setup has been completed, two-factor authentication will be successfully enabled on your user account. From now on, you will be prompted for an access code from the Microsoft Authenticator when signing in to MyST. You can open the Microsoft Authenticator app to retrieve this code and type this into MyST to gain access to your account.


Setup completion

You can confirm two-factor authentication is enabled on your account by navigating to your profile page and checking the "Two-factor authentication" toggle is enabled. If you need to reset your authenticator app, you can do so by clicking the toggle - this will allow you to set up the two-factor authentication again from scratch.



Signing in to MyST using two-factor authentication

Once two-factor authentication is enabled on your MyST account, you will be prompted for a 6 digit code on sign in.


You will need to retrieve this code from your authenticator app of choice. The code provided changes every 30 seconds - you will need to enter the correct code to gain access to your account. If you enter the wrong code, you will need to wait up to 30 seconds for a new code to be generated in your app. Entering an incorrect code too many times will cause your account to be locked.

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