User settings

  Last updated: 

You can view “Profile” pages to view information about your child users and change their settings.

  Required user roles

Site admin

  How to access

Select a child user from the “Users” page.

OR; type in the username into the universal search at the top of any MyST page, and press the magnifying glass on the right.



MyST user account information

The following information is displayed:

Field Comment
Profile image

The user’s image is displayed. Click the bin icon to remove the image.

If no image has been assigned to their account, a generic placeholder will be displayed.

Display name If assigned, the user’s display name is displayed beneath the profile image.
Username The username.
Email address The email address.
Role The User Role.
Valid IP/network(s) The user may have limited user privileges or be prevented from signing in when they connect from a network outside of the range specified here.
Role if invalid IP If the user connects from an IP address outside the range(s) specified, then their level of access may be restricted.
Last logged in The date and time the user last logged in.
Last IP The IP address of where the user last logged in from.
Language The selected language currently applied to the user's account.

This is the user's administrator. If they are having issues with their account, we recommend that they first contact their administrator for assistance.

Note: This field is not displayed if the user was created by Trust Payments.

Lock account

Use this toggle to lock/unlock the user’s account. Locked user accounts are prevented from signing in to MyST.

Click here to learn more.

Two-factor authentication

This toggle is used to disable or reset two-factor authentication on the user’s account.

  Users that do not yet have two-factor authentication enabled on their account can enable this by signing in and following the instructions provided in this article.

New user email New users are sent an email with a link to sign in to their account for the first time and set their password. If the email was not received by the user, or has expired, you can request this email be resent by clicking this link.
Reset password

If a user has forgotten their password, you can click this link to request a reset email be sent to the user’s email address. By following the instructions contained within the email, the user can sign in to their account and reset their password.

Note: Not shown for new users who have yet to set their password.



The “Sites” pop-up displays a list of all site references associated with the user’s account.



For each site in the table, the following information is displayed:

Header Comment
Site reference Unique reference to the site e.g. example12345.
Merchant name The name of your business or organisation.
Site status Indicates whether or not a site is enabled (Disabled sites are unable to process transactions).
Acquirers The name of the acquiring bank(s) through which you can process requests.

Click a site reference in the table to view further information.



The “Users” pop-up displays a list of the user’s subusers.



For each user in the table, the following information is displayed:

Header Comment
Avatar User's avatar image.
Username Display name and username of the user.
Click a user to view further information.
Role Role assigned to the user. Click here for a full list of roles.
Last logged in Date and timestamp the user last signed in to MyST.


Edit user

Here you can make changes to the user’s configuration.



You can change the following settings:


"Details" section

Name of field Type Length Description
Display name Alphanumeric 100 The user’s display name will be displayed in the upper left corner when they are logged in. This field is optional, and the user’s display name will revert to the username if this field is left blank.
Email address Email address 255 (64 before the “@” symbol”) Email address where notices regarding your MyST account are sent.


"Password and role" section

Name of field Type Length Description
New password Password 8-50 Type in a new password here. The password will be changed immediately after you save the changes, and the user will be prompted to change their password when they next sign in.
  • Clicking the eye icon will show/hide the password from view.
  • Clicking the key icon will generate a new password that meets our password policy.
MyST password policy  
  • Length: 8-50 characters
  • Contain at least one character from each of the following groups:
    • UPPERCASE letters: A-Z
    • lowercase letters: a-z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • At least one of the following symbols: ~!#$%^&*(_{[}]<,>?

"£" and "@" characters are not supported.

Role N/A N/A

The role of the new user (defaults to Site user).

Click here for further information.

Valid IP/network(s)
IP Address 255 You may choose to restrict the user’s access to certain IP addresses or reduce the access privileges given to a user when they connect from a different network.
  • You can specify a single IP, e.g. “”.
  • Multiple IP addresses are separated by either a semicolon (;) or a comma (,). e.g. “;”.
  • Ranges of IPs are be specified by using a netmask in the CIDR format. e.g. “”.

*In the interest of security, this field is required for both Webservices and Site Admin roles.

Role if invalid IP N/A N/A If a user connects from an IP address outside the range(s) specified then their access can be reduced or prevented. Select “Prevent login” to disable access or choose a role with lower privileges.
Previous password allowed for (mins) Numeric N/A This field is supported by MyST user accounts used in automated back-office processes. It allows the previous password to be used for a short period of time alongside the new password, before expiring. This allows you to update your system with the new password, and is used to prevent interruption to your services.


"Sites" section

You can modify the site references assigned to the user.

To add to this list, type the site reference(s) you would like to assign and select from the drop-down that appears.

You can remove site reference(s) by clicking the crosses.

(At least 1 site reference is required)


"Avatar" section

Name of field Type Length Description
Current avatar Image N/A

The image used to identify the user.

(If the user hasn’t been assigned an avatar, a generic placeholder is displayed instead)

Avatar Image N/A Click “Upload Icon…” to change the user’s avatar.

The image must have one of the following image extensions:
jpeg, jpg, png, svg

 Click “Save” to save the changes.


Delete user

Click this button to delete the user. You will be prompted prior to deletion, like so:


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