How do I perform a completion of a Pre-Auth?

  Last updated: 



Pre-auths allow you to reserve funds in advance of a future transaction. During this time, while no funds have actually left the customer's bank account, these reserved funds are unavailable to the customer for other purchases.

The instructions below are for completing a pre-auth that has already been processed.

Castles VEGA and Ingenico devices
  1. Tap Menu icon   onscreen and select the Completion option
  2. Enter amount, press  

      If needed, you can enter a lower Amount than was authorised and this is the final amount that will be settled into your bank account, with any remaining reserved funds being released back to the customer. However, if you need to settle a greater Amount than authorised, you will first need to perform an incremental auth.

    If you are attempting to complete a pre-auth that has already been adjusted to a higher value, please enter the Auth Code and Sequence Number from the incremental auth receipt and not those returned at the pre-auth stage.

  3. Enter Auth Code, press  
    • (located on Merchant/Customer Pre-Auth receipt)
  4. Enter Sequence Number, press  
    • (located on Merchant/Customer Pre-Auth receipt)
  5. The merchant receipt prints, press OK; cardholder receipt prints
    • Both receipt lists Auth Code and Sequence Number
Castles Saturn 1000


Coming soon

This functionality isn't available for your device just yet.
If you would like to learn more, please get in touch.

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