Getting started with WooCommerce

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.


  This plugin requires WooCommerce to work. Please install WooCommerce before proceeding.


This plugin has been tested by Trust Payments to ensure compatibility with the latest WooCommerce installation version using the default Storefront theme, with the assumption that no other themes or plugins have been installed. Please be aware that when using our plugin alongside other third-party themes or plugins, it is your responsibility to ensure you thoroughly test your configuration to ensure correct operation.

We recommend setting up two instances of your WooCommerce store - one for staging and the other for processing live transactions - and configuring them in the same way. This will help you to perform tests before applying updates going forward.     Click here to learn more (link to external site).



The Trust Payments Gateway for WooCommerce Plugin is a hosted e-commerce solution that can be easily integrated into your website to provide a comprehensive checkout experience.


  • Integrate your Trust Payments account with the WooCommerce store.
  • Allow customers to checkout using credit and debit cards.
  • Support of Saved Card functionality, using Tokenisation for security.
  • Allows admin to easily track the transaction history.
  • Allows logged-in customers to pay using credit/debit cards saved on their account.
  • Allows logged-in customers to manage their saved payment card(s) on the My Account page.
  • Allows admin to perform MOTO payments from the WooCommerce admin interface.
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal are supported.



  1. Download the latest Trust Payments Gateway for WooCommerce plugin.     Click here (link to external site).

  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin.

  3. Select the WooCommerce Trust Payments Gateway plugin file from your computer.

  4. Upload the file.

  5. Click the “Activate” button, or navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins > Activate the Trust Payments gateway plugin.

  6. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings. If the installation was completed successfully, the following options should be visible under the Payments tab:



  Configure your settings

  When getting started, we recommend first setting up the plugin on your staging store by following the instructions below. Once you have completed testing, you can replicate much of this configuration on your production store.

Choose from the supported methods of checkout below and follow the configuration instructions.

Via hosted checkout - Powered by our hosted Payment Pages solution

Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - Credit/Debit cards (via hosted checkout).



You will need to change the following settings:

Ensure you save your changes when done by clicking “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page.

  • Enable/Disable
    This checkbox must be checked to use the Trust Payments option on your checkout.

  • Title
    Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout to customers.

  • Description
    Enter a description of the Gateway to be displayed on the checkout page.

  • Test Mode
    This allows you to switch the plugin between live and test configurations. When enabled, the plugin is configured to operate in test mode.

  • Platform
    This is used to configure the plugin to connect to the appropriate platform for your account with Trust Payments. Select either EU or US.

  • Site reference
    Insert the site reference provided in your Trust Payments Welcome Email. Please use your test site reference (prefixed with "test_") on your staging site and your live site reference on your live site.

  • Webservices Username & Password
    Enter your Webservices username and password in these fields. This is required to authenticate your requests with Trust Payments. If you do not have a Webservices user account, click here for instructions on how to register one.

  • Webservice JWT Username & Secret Key
    Enter the user account with role “Webservices JWT” and associated secret key provided by our Support Team to allow the app to create the token needed to process a payment. If you do not already have these credentials, please contact our Support Team for assistance.

  • 3D Secure
    You must enable 3-D Secure using this toggle.

    Click here to learn more about 3-D Secure.

  • Site Security Password
    Site security is a Trust Payments feature that protects payments from modification from unauthorised third parties. In the interest of security, this feature is required. To enable, you will need to enter the password previously agreed with the Trust Payments Support Team.

    The Trust Payments Support team may ask for confirmation of the site security fields. These are as follows:

  • Payment Choice Page
    If enabled, the customer is prompted to select their preferred method of payment prior to entering their payment credentials. If disabled, the customer is immediately prompted for their card details.

  • Use iframe
    If enabled, the payment form is displayed in an iframe from within your WooCommerce store. If disabled, the customer is redirected to Trust Payments to complete the payment. (Apple Pay and PayPal via Trust Payments are not supported when iframe is enabled)

  • Iframe Width & Height
    The width and height of the iframe (if enabled), in px or %.

  • Stprofile
    The Stprofile refers to a set of custom HTML files that will be loaded by Payment Pages during checkout instead of the default HTML files used by Trust Payments. These HTML files must be uploaded to the Portal / MyST File Manager. Click here to learn more.

  • stdefault Profile
    When applying bespoke mark-up to customise the appearance and layout of your checkout, specify the profile here. The default stprofile options:
    • default – standard layout
    • st_paymentcard – dynamic card preview (shows address)
    • st_paymentcardonly – dynamic card preview (hides address)
    • st_cardonly – static card image (hides address)
    • st_iframe_cardonly – no card image (hides address)

  • Saved Cards
    This allows your customers to save credit/debit cards to their account for future purchases. Before this can be enabled, you will need to enable Perform Back-Office Operations in the plugin, and then contact the Trust Payments Support Team to request Account Checks are enabled using Enhanced Post.

  • Maximum Saved Cards
    The maximum number of credit/debit cards the customer can save to their account.

  • MOTO Payment
    Enable/disable MOTO payments (Mail Order Telephone Orders).

  • Settle Due Date
    The date on which funds are to be transferred to your bank account following authorisation from the issuing bank. Can be delayed for up to seven days.

  • Enable Url Notification and URL Notification Password
    The checkbox must be checked to enable the notification on the plugin. You will then need to contact Trust Payments directly to enable the notification on the Trust Payments platform as well. Failure to do so will prevent orders from being processed. During this process, you will agree on a password with our Support Team, which will need to be entered into the textbox provided here. Click here to learn more.

  • Checkout Logo HPP
    Choose an image you wish to display next to this payment method on your checkout.

After you have filled in the above, click "Save changes".


If you have problems redirecting the customer's browser back to your store following checkout using our hosted Payment Pages, follow the steps below:

  1. Following installation, the plugin should create a page that you will need to check. Start by clicking "Pages" from the navigation panel on the left.
  2. Click "Edit" for page "TRU//ST Payments". (You can search for this page if you are unable to see it immediately).
  3. On the right, expand "Template" and ensure "Default template" is selected.
  4. When done, click "Update" in the top-right.
Via API - Powered by our JS Library embedded into your checkout page

To configure for card payments, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - Credit/Debit cards (via API).



You will need to change the following settings:

Ensure you save your changes when done by clicking “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page.

  • Enable/Disable
    This checkbox must be checked to use the Trust Payments option on your checkout.

  • Title
    Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout to customers.

  • Description
    Enter a description of the Gateway to be displayed on the checkout page.

  • Test Mode
    This allows you to switch the plugin between live and test configurations. When enabled, the plugin is configured to operate in test mode.

  • Platform
    This is used to configure the plugin to connect to the appropriate platform for your account with Trust Payments. Select either EU or US.

  • Site reference
    Insert the site reference provided in your Trust Payments Welcome Email. Please use your test site reference (prefixed with "test_") on your staging site and your live site reference on your live site.

  • Webservices Username & Password
    Enter your Webservices username and password in these fields. This is required to authenticate your requests with Trust Payments. If you do not have a Webservices user account, click here for instructions on how to register one.

  • Webservice JWT Username & Secret Key
    Enter the user account with role “Webservices JWT” and associated secret key provided by our Support Team to allow the app to create the token needed to process a payment. If you do not already have these credentials, please contact our Support Team for assistance.

  • 3D Secure
    You must enable 3-D Secure using this toggle.

    Click here to learn more about 3-D Secure.

  • Payment Action
    Choose between the following options:
    • Authorize and Capture - Trust Payments sends a request to the issuing bank for payment authorisation and the funds will be captured in a subsequent settlement run (normally within 24 hours).
    • Authorize and Capture (Bypass fraud checks) - Trust Payments sends a request to the issuing bank for payment authorisation and the funds will be captured in a subsequent settlement run (normally within 24 hours). This option bypasses our internal fraud and duplicate checks.
    • Authorize Only - Trust Payments sends a request to the issuing bank for payment authorisation, but the funds will not be captured without further action from the merchant. The order will be updated to “On hold” and you will need to update the transaction to capture the funds.
      How to capture funds
      1. Navigate to WooCommerce Orders.

      2. Find the order you wish to update. This can be normally found by looking at the Status in yellow (On hold).

      3. Click the “Choose an action…” drop-down found within the “Order actions” block and select “Capture transaction via Trust Payments”.


      4. Click "Update". This process sends a request to Trust Payments to update the order from settlestatus 2 (Suspended) to settlestatus 1 or 0 (depending on the Capture Settle Status setting detailed below). The order in the plugin will then update to Status “Processing” and the Order notes will be updated too.

  • Capture Settle Status
    If the Payment Action drop-down described above is set to "Authorize Only", the Capture Settle Status drop-down is used to determine how Trust Payments handles the settlement process after you approve the order. Choose between the following two options:
    • 0 - Allows settlement to occur, providing the transaction passes fraud checks
    • 1 - Allows settlement to occur, bypassing fraud checks

  • Settle Due Date
    The date on which funds are to be transferred to your bank account following authorisation from the issuing bank. Can be delayed for up to seven days.

  • MOTO Payment
    Enable/disable MOTO payments (Mail Order Telephone Orders).

  • Saved Cards
    This allows your customers to save credit/debit cards to their account for future purchases.

  • Maximum Saved Cards
    The maximum number of credit/debit cards the customer can save to their account.

  • Debug Log
    Enable/disable the display of debugging information for developers. The logs can be found in WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

  • Enable Url Notification and URL Notification Password
    The checkbox must be checked to enable the notification on the plugin. You will then need to contact Trust Payments directly to enable the notification on the Trust Payments platform as well. Failure to do so will prevent orders from being processed. During this process, you will agree on a password with our Support Team, which will need to be entered into the textbox provided here. Click here to learn more.

  • Cloudflare IP Ranges
    This field allows any user that uses a Cloudflare CDN to also allow the IP addresses of the Cloudflare CDN to be included in the whitelist of allowed IP addresses.

  • Checkout Logo API
    Choose an image you wish to display next to this payment method on your checkout.

After you have filled in the above, click "Save changes".

Google Pay - Powered by our JS Library embedded into your checkout page

Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - Google Pay.



  Before Google Pay can be enabled, you must navigate to the Trust Payments - Credit/Debit cards (via API) page as described above and configure the API settings there, as the successful operation of Google Pay is dependent on the configuration performed there.

To begin your integration with Google Pay, you will need to confirm/request the following details from
our Support Team.

  • Confirm your acquiring bank supports Google Pay as a payment option.
  • Ensure Google Pay is enabled on your site reference.
  • Ensure you have a valid JWT username and Secret.

To start testing Google Pay transactions, follow the steps below:

  • Check the "Enable/Disable" checkbox.
  • Enter the title of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout to your customers.
  • Enter your "Merchant ID" (this is provided by Google).
  • Finally, set your "Merchant Name" to be your company name (e.g. "My Company Ltd.").

After you have filled in the above, click "Save changes". Following configuration, the Google Pay button will be displayed on your checkout.

Apple Pay - Powered by our JS Library embedded into your checkout page

Follow the steps below to enable Apple Pay on our WooCommerce plugin:

  1. Have your authorised contact reach out to our Support Team and request to have Apple Pay enabled on your site reference(s). In your email, we require you to attach a CSV file that contains a list of all of the site references you intend to register and their associated domain(s).

    The format of the CSV file must be as follows:

    Site reference, Domain name

    For example:

      Please include all relevant test and live site references and domains in the file.

    Our Support Team will update you once the registration process for the specified domains is complete.

  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - Apple Pay.


    • Check the "Enable/Disable" checkbox.
    • Enter the "Title" of this payment method to be displayed on the checkout to your customers.
    • Enter your site reference into the "Merchant Identifier" field.
    • Set your "Merchant Name" to be your company name (e.g. "My Company Ltd.").
    • Customise the appearance of the Apple Pay button by selecting an option from the "Button style" drop-down.

  3. Download the domain-verification file from this link:

      Click here to download

    You must prepare each domain by hosting the received domain-verification file in this location, as this will be publicly queried to complete the domain registration process:


    Ensure the file and the hidden .well-known directory are given read and execute permissions. (For Unix, this is typically done by using the command chmod 755 <filename or folder>).

      As part of the Apple Pay validation process, Apple requires that the validation file returns an HTTP 200 OK response. Any other HTTP response code, such as a 301 Moved Permanently, will be treated as a failure. To ensure Apple Pay works properly, the validation file must be configured to always return an HTTP 200 OK response.
PayPal - Powered by our JS Library embedded into your checkout page

Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - PayPal.


  Before PayPal can be enabled, you must navigate to the Trust Payments - Credit/Debit cards (via API) page as described above and configure the API settings there, as the successful operation of PayPal is dependent on the configuration performed there.

To configure PayPal, first click here and follow the instructions provided to enable this on your site reference. Once configured, check the “Enable/Disable” checkbox, provide a Title to be shown on the success page, and click "Save changes". Following configuration, the PayPal logo will be displayed on your checkout.

Pay by Bank - Powered by our Webservices API

Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings, click the Payments tab, then click Trust Payments - Pay by Bank (via A2A).


To configure Pay by Bank, you must first contact our Support Team to enable this payment method on your site reference. Next, configure the below fields in the settings:

  • Enable/Disable
    This checkbox must be checked to enable Pay by Bank on your checkout.

  • Title
    Enter the title to be displayed on your checkout for Pay by Bank.

  • Description
    Enter a description to be displayed on your checkout for Pay by Bank.

  • Test Mode
    This allows you to switch the plugin between live and test configurations. When enabled, Pay by Bank is configured to operate in test mode.

  • Site reference
    Insert the site reference provided in your Trust Payments Welcome Email. Please use your test site reference (prefixed with "test_") on your staging site and your live site reference on your live site.

  • Webservices Username & Password
    Enter your Webservices username and password in these fields. This is required to authenticate your requests with Trust Payments. If you do not have a Webservices user account, click here for instructions on how to register one.

  • Checkout Logo A2A
    Choose an image to be displayed next to the Pay by Bank payment method on your checkout.

Following configuration, Pay by Bank will be displayed on your checkout as a payment method available for your customers.


  Contacting Support

If you need assistance when configuring the settings described above, please contact our Support Team.


Next:   Processing transactions    

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