Testing Protect Plus

  Last updated: 


Use the following transaction amount values in RISKDEC requests to simulate the different possible responses from the Protect Plus checks:

baseamount Possible fraudcontrolresponsecode returned fraudcontrolshieldstatuscode returned
  • 10.11
  • 20.11
  • 30.11
  • 1011
  • 2011
  • 3011
0100, 0150 “ACCEPT”
  • 10.33
  • 20.33
  • 30.33
  • 1033
  • 2033
  • 3033
0300, 0330, 0500 “CHALLENGE”
  • 10.44
  • 20.44
  • 30.44
  • 1044
  • 2044
  • 3044
0250, 0400, 0600, 0700, 0800, 1300 “DENY”

  The fraudcontrolshieldstatuscode and fraudcontrolresponsecode values returned in RISKDEC responses may vary when not using the amount values listed in the table, above.

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