Testing MOTO or using your own MPI

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About testing using your own MPI

Trust Payments allows merchants and partners to perform 3DS authentication using an external 3DS server as described in Using your own MPI article.

Merchants and partners using an external 3DS server who therefore do not use Trust Payments as their 3DS authentication service provider will need to contact their 3DS provider to confirm the test card details they should use to simulate different 3DS authentication outcomes.


Testing MOTO

When testing, you can use the following test card details to simulate a “Successful” response:

  • Visa card "4111 1111 1111 1111" or Mastercard "5200 0000 0000 1096".
  • Set expiry date to any valid date in the future.
  • Use security code “123”.

You can also send different amount values to affect the outcome of the request:

  • 700.00 will always return a declined response from the test bank.
  • 600.10 will always return a bank system error from the test bank.
  • 10.50 is a safe value that will not return an error unless the card number sent is used to simulate an error response, as described below.


Testing AVS and security code checks

If you haven’t already, please read our AVS and Security code documentation before testing.

The following tables list test details that can be submitted to obtain different responses from the AVS and Security Code Checks. These details can be used with most major payment types.

  Only the billing premisebilling postcode and security code field values dictate the outcome of the AVS and security code checks performed. As such, entering any details into the other address fields will not affect the outcome of these checks.



Billing premise Security response Security response caption
No 789 2 Matched
No 123 4 Not Matched
No 333 1 Not Checked
Leave blank 0 Not Given


Postcode / ZIP code

Billing postcode Security response Security response caption
TR45 6ST 55555 2 Matched
TR12 3ST 12345 4 Not Matched
TR33 3ST
33333 1 Not Checked
Leave blank Leave blank 0 Not Given


Security code

Security code AMEX security code Security response Security response
123 1234 2 Matched
214 2144 4 Not Matched
333 3333 1 Not Checked
Leave blank Leave blank 0 Not Given
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