How do I use MyST to manage my subscriptions?

  Last updated: 

You can use MyST to view and update existing subscriptions.


View subscription using transaction search

You can search for subscriptions using the “Transaction search” page.

Before you perform a search for a subscription, you will need to ensure you have specified the following search criteria:

  • Change “Stored searches” to “Active subscriptions”.


  • Change the “Date from” and “Date to” to a valid date range in the future, within which you expect the next subscription payment to be processed.

When you’re ready, click “Search” to process the query.


Click here to learn how to search for subscriptions that are not active
  1. Ensure the date range you select covers the date the next subscription is due to be processed.
  2. Click the “Filters” tab, and ensure the following filters are selected:
    • From within the “Requests” panel, ensure that only “SUBSCRIPTION” is selected.
    • From within the “Active” panel, select the relevant statuses (or “ALL” if required).
  3. Click “Search“.


The results are shown in the form of a table. For example:


  For each subscription, only the next scheduled payment will be shown in the search results. Any subsequent payments scheduled in the subscription engine will not be displayed.

Clicking the reference of a subscription from the left-most column will display further details:

Details of an active subscription shown in MyST

Click “More details” from the bottom of the pop-up to view further information on the request. These will be displayed in a new tab.


View subscription using universal search

Alternatively, if you already have the transaction reference of the subscription, you can type it into the universal search box at the top of any MyST page, and click the magnifying glass (or press the return key).



View subscription details

When viewing information regarding a subscription, the status can be clearly identified using the colour-coded banner across the top of the page (example below):

Summary shown for an active subscription


The possible states of a subscription are as follows:

Status Description
Currently pending Subscription will become active when the initial authorisation is settled (status “100”)
Currently active Subscription will process a payment on the date specified in the Timestamp field
Completed Subscription will NOT process further payments (unless Final number is raised in an update)
Inactive Subscription will NOT process further payments (unless manually updated to “Active”)
Stopped Subscription will NOT process further payments


The following subscription-specific fields are also visible. These are described as follows:

Field Description
Subscription begin date Date in YYYY-MM-DD when the first automated subscription payment is processed.
Subscription frequency How frequently subscription payments are processed. (e.g. One payment every 7 days would be denoted as “7 DAY”.
Subscription type This field indicates the type of subscription to be processed:
  • RECURRING is used when the customer is performing a recurring payment for a new product/service each time (for example, a magazine subscription).
  • INSTALLMENT is only used in select cases with certain acquirers*. It is designed for when a customer is purchasing a single item, with payment being collected over several installments (for example, paying £100 a month for an item until it has been paid in full).

*Installments are supported for merchants with a Trust Payments acquiring account. If you are using a different acquiring bank, you will need to contact our Support Team to check this feature is supported before proceeding.

Subscription number

In the format “aa/bb”, where aa represents the number in the sequence for the next automated subscription payment and bb represents the total number of payments to be processed over the course of the subscription.

e.g. “7/12” indicates the automated subscription payment would be the 7th payment out of a total of 12.

Note: If aa has exceeded bb, (e.g. “13/12”) this indicates that no more subscription payments will be processed, because the previously-defined total number of payments has been exceeded.


To view all scheduled subscription payments in the sequence, click the “Related” tab:

Related transactions shown when viewing subscription details

Upcoming payments can be viewed by scrolling upward. Past payments can be viewed by scrolling downward.


Update subscription

To update a subscription, start by finding the subscription you would like to update by using the steps outlined above.

Step 1: Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page (under the “Details” tab).

Update button shown when viewing subscription details


Step 2: On the “Update transactions” page, click the + icon to display the fields that can be edited.

Updating an active subscription


Step 3: Modify the desired fields from those displayed on-screen.

On this page, it is possible to update the billing details, in addition to the subscription fields listed in the table, below:

Field Summary
Authorised amount The amount that is processed for the customer each month.
Active This value represents whether or not a subscription is active.
  • Setting the value to “0 – Inactive”, renders a subscription inactive, temporarily stopping all future automated payments in the sequence.
  • Setting the value to “1 – Active” enables the subscription, “catching up” with any missed payments and then resuming the automated processing of payments as originally scheduled. 
  • The value is “2 – Pending” before the initial authorisation settles, and can be updated to either “0 – Inactive”, “1 – Active” or “3 – Stopped”.
  • Setting the value to “3 – Stopped” stops a subscription, permanently preventing all future automated payments in the sequence.

Caution: Upon activating a pre-existing subscription, all payments that would have been taken during the period the subscription was pending or inactive are immediately processed.

e.g. If a £10/month subscription is pending or inactive for four months and then enabled, four £10 payments will be processed in the next settlement run (usually within the next 24 hours).

Final subscription

This represents the position of the last payment in a series of subscription payments. Once this number has been reached, no further payments will be processed.

e.g. If the final subscription number is 12, no further payments will be processed after an automated subscription payment assigned with number 12.

Subscriptions can be allowed to carry on indefinitely by setting the final subscription number to ‘0’.

Caution: If increasing the final subscription number of a completed subscription, all payments that would have been taken if the subscription had been allowed to continue, are immediately processed.

e.g. If a £10/month subscription has completed, and five months after completion, the final subscription number is raised by five, five £10 payments will be processed in the next settlement run (usually within the next 24 hours).

Subscription unit This is the unit of time to use, e.g. “DAY”, “MONTH”.
Subscription frequency

This is the number of units that should occur before the next automated payment is processed. It represents the gap between each payment in a subscription.

E.g. If the unit is DAY and the frequency is 7, an automated payment will be processed every 7 days.


Step 4: Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page to submit the changes. The browser will display a success message to confirm the changes have been performed correctly.

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