How to view the result of checks

  Last updated: 


  The following documentation only applies to transactions processed using our gateway and acquiring services.


There are two ways to view the results of checks performed as part of the TRU Fraud Check service:

  • Sign in to Portal and view details from a web browser.
  • Configure a URL notification to automatically send this data to your server whenever a transaction is processed.

Read on to learn more.


Using Portal

Sign in to Portal with a role that is permitted to view transactions.

If the error code displayed under the Summary section is "60107 - Invalid process”, this likely indicates that a “DENY” response was returned by TRU Fraud Check and the transaction was cancelled due to a perceived high risk of fraud.

To confirm this, please refer to the Related Transactions column on the right of the page. From here you can identify the TRU Fraud Check request and its status (as shown in the screenshot below).

Clicking the transaction reference of the request in the Related Transactions column will display further details about the request in a new tab. Scroll to the bottom of this new page and click “Risk decision” to view the results of checks performed.


URL notifications

You can configure a URL notification to automatically send TRU Fraud Check data to your server whenever a transaction is processed. To do so, you will need to sign into Portal with a user that has the required role to configure notifications in the Rule manager:

  1. Sign in to Portal.
  2. Search for your site reference using the global search box found at the top of the page.
  3. When viewing your site details, click “Rule manager“.

  1. Select the action type “URL notification” from the drop-down and your browser will be redirected.

  1. Create a new URL notification rule:

    • (A) Click “Add new condition” and create a condition that filters on Requests “RISKDEC2” and Error codes 0.
    • (B) Click “Add new action” and specify the endpoint for the URL notification. We recommend that you include the following Fields that are specific to TRU Fraud Check:
      fraudcontrolreference, fraudcontrolshieldstatuscode, rulecategoryflag
    • (C) Using the drop-down boxes, assign the condition to the action and click “Create rule“.

  1. Ensure the rule is active (this is shown with a tick under the Active column). Once enabled, the rule will be applied to all transactions processed using the selected site reference, and the URL notification will be triggered whenever the RISKDEC2 request (for TRU Fraud Check) is performed.

  All new rules should be created on your test site reference and tested to ensure they work as expected before being added to your live site reference.

  1. You must configure your system to respond to all URL notifications received from Trust Payments with an HTTP 200 OK response. For example: “HTTP/1.0 200 OK”.
    Your system must reply within 8 seconds of receiving a notification.

Click here for full documentation.

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