APM Statement

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The statement header includes key details regarding the statement, based on the Merchant ID number (MID) shown:


The header shows the MID, Merchant Name, Settlement CurrencyAPM Name, Reference Number, Processing Date and the Settlement Method for the processing merchant.

This statement follows the structure outlined below:


Processing Summary

The Processing Summary is split into 2 sections:

1    "Total Settlement Amount" - Shows the Currency and the Net Settled Amount for all transactions processed using APMs on the given MID.

  This is the amount that the Merchant would receive in their bank account from transactions processed with the APMs enabled on the given MID.

2    "Payment Summary" - Shows the aggregations of Number of Slips, Gross Amounts and Fee Amounts, broken down as follows:

a    Purchases - The count and gross amount for all purchases processed using APMs on the given MID.

b    Refunds - The count and total amount for all refunds processed via APMs on the given MID.

c    Payouts - The count and total amount for all payouts processed via APMs on the given MID.

d    Funds Missing - For payment methods without a payment guarantee, this field shows the count and total amount of all transactions where funds are not secured for payment.

e    Funds Received - For payment methods without a payment guarantee, this field shows the count and total amount of all transactions where funds are secured for payment.

f    Processing Fees - Includes the FX Margin Fees, Transaction Fees, % Fees, Refund Fees and Payout Fees.

g    Ancillary Services - Includes all Gross Amounts for all Ancillary Services types.

h    Ancillary Fees - Includes an aggregation of all the Fees related to all the Ancillary Services.

i    Net Activity - Calculating the net activity by aggregating Sales, Processing Fees, Ancillary Services and Ancillary Fees

How Net Activity is calculated

Net Activity (i) = Purchases (a) - (Processing Fees (f) + Ancillary Services (g) + Ancillary Fees (h))

j    Opening Balance - Any unpaid/collected balance carried forward from previous settlement day(s).

k    Settlement Amount - Calculated by Aggregating the Net Activity and Opening Balance

How Settlement Amount is calculated

Settlement Amount (k) = Net Activity (i) + (± Opening Balance (j))

l    Closing Balance - Any unpaid/collected balance to be carried forward to next settlement day(s).


Processing Breakdown

This section shows a breakdown of requests processed:

The Processing Breakdown shows the total Number of Transactions, Gross Amounts, Trx Fees and FX Fees (Foreign Exchange Fees)) for all transactions, grouped by Post Date then Tran Type (Purchase, Refund or Payout).


Ancillary Services & Fees

The Ancillary Services & Fees section contains all of any other services and fees that do not fall under the other sections documented above. This will show the Number of Slips, Gross Amounts and any Fees incurred for the criteria listed down the left.

  The Gross Amount and the Fee amount totals are also reflected in the Processing Summary at the beginning of the Statement.


Overall Totals

The green bar (under the Ancillary Services & Fees table) as shown below, includes the totals for the APM covered in the statement, as it aggregates both the Processing Breakdown totals and the Ancillary Services & Fees totals:

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