Manager Menu

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.


The Manager Menu gives you quick access to key terminal settings.

It's accessed by tapping "Settings" on the main screen.


From the Manager Menu, you can access the following:

Menu item Description
Fetch Settings This is a tool used to manually retrieve terminal settings from our servers. As this action is periodically performed automatically by the device, you can safely ignore this menu item.
Change passcode This option allows you to change your manager passcode.
API credentials This option displays technical info regarding the device's connection to our servers. Please ignore this menu item.

System Settings

Tap this option to access the Android device network settings from a sub-menu. Click here to learn more about network setup.

  Do not tap "Reset to Factory Defaults" from the sub-menu
Doing so will remove critical configuration needed for the device to operate correctly.
Perform Logon Txn (trust) This is a tool used by our team when testing a new device's connection to our servers. Please ignore this menu item.
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