What are Stored Reports?

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When generating reports on the "Reporting" page, you can save time by selecting from one of the "Stored Searches" using the drop-down shown on screen. Selecting a stored report will automatically adjust the Summary type, Filters and Group By criteria, leaving you to select a site reference(s) and a date range.

  After selecting a stored report, you can make additional changes to your search criteria before generating the report. Remember you can click "Show filters" to display any Filters that have been applied, and these can be removed if needed by clicking "Advanced". Click here to learn more about how to generate reports.


Default stored reports

The following pre-configured stored reports can be selected from the "Stored reports" drop-down:

Site Reference Searches

(For merchants using TRU Connect)

  • Daily Authorisations - Report of authorised transactions grouped by the date they were authorised.

  • Daily Settlement - Report of settled transactions grouped by the date they were settled.

  • Authorisation Reconciliation - Report of all successfully authorised transactions grouped by day, account and payment type that is used for reconciliation.

  • Settlement Reconciliation - Report of all successfully settled transactions grouped by day, account and payment type that is used for reconciliation.

MID Searches

(For merchants using our acquiring services)

  • Fee Summary - A statement-style view of the total number of transactions, fees, adjustments and other postings processed via the selected MID over the selected period.

  • Merchant Payment Advice - Report displaying batches of transactions that are scheduled to be paid to the merchant's bank account via the selected MID over the selected period.

Custom stored searches

You can also save custom search parameters for later, enabling you to generate future reports without needing to set the Site reference, Filters and Group By again. Here's how:

  1. Navigate to the "Reporting" page, select the Site reference from the top left, and click "Advanced" to set the Filters and Group By. Click "Search" when you are ready.

  2. After the report has been generated, you can save the search parameters for later by clicking the   "Actions" button above the table, and then "Save".

  3. When saving a search, you are presented with this simple form:

    • Provide the search with a name of your choosing.
    • You can optionally check the "Save Site References" box to apply the currently selected Site references again when performing this custom search at a later time. Leave this checkbox blank if you're only interested in saving the Filters and Group By.
    • You can optionally check the "Save Table Preferences" box to remember the order of columns in the "Report" table. (Table columns can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them into place)

    Click "Save" when you are done.

  4. Having saved a custom search, the next time you return to the "Reporting" page, your custom stored search will be displayed in the "Stored Searches" drop-down. To apply the custom stored search, simply select it from the drop-down and the parameters you opted to save will be applied.

Managing custom stored searches

  • A maximum of 20 custom stored searches can be saved per Portal user account.
  • Stored search parameters cannot be modified. Instead, you must save new searches by following the instructions above and delete old searches that are no longer needed.

  • To delete a previously stored custom search, click the "Stored Searches" drop-down, and then the   icon next to the search you want to delete. When prompted, click "Confirm" to complete the deletion.

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