The "Daily Settlement" report covers all successfully settled purchases and refunds that were processed via the TRU Connect gateway.
Required user roles
Admin, Developer, TransactionUser, ViewFeesAndStatements, ViewTransactionsOnly
How to access
Select “Reporting” from the side-bar to open the Reporting page.
In the top left, select "Site Reference" and then select a site reference from the drop-down box.
From "Stored Searches", select "Daily Settlement".
Fill out the rest of the form as necessary. Click here to learn more.
Click "Search".
To perform a more targeted search, you can apply additional filters by clicking the "Advanced" button, and then clicking "Filters" on the left. From here you can enable any the filters displayed and click "Apply" to apply the changes to your next query.
A maximum of 1,000 records can be included in a report. You can generate larger reports by using the options provided to perform an "Export" rather than an "On screen" search. This will export a file for download.
The report consists of two tables:
Summary table
The Summary table provides a high-level overview of the report. For each currency in the left column, the table displays the following information for the select site reference and date range:
Column name | Description |
Settled AUTH count | Number of AUTH requests (purchases) settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 AUTHs settled. |
Settled AUTH value | Total value of all AUTH requests (purchases) settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 AUTHs settled. |
Settled REFUND count | Number of REFUND requests settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 REFUNDs settled. |
Settled REFUND value | Total value of REFUND requests settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 REFUNDs settled. |
Settled net value | Net total value calculated by subtracting the Settled REFUND value from the Settled AUTH value. |
Report table
The full Report table is displayed directly beneath the summary. By default, the following information is shown:
Column name |
Description |
The left-most columns are dictated by the grouping options set in the "Advanced" menu. | |
Day (UTC) | On this date... |
Acquirer | With this acquirer... |
Curr | Using this currency... |
Settled AUTH count | Number of AUTH requests (purchases) settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 AUTHs settled. |
Settled AUTH value | Total value of all AUTH requests (purchases) settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 AUTHs settled. |
Settled REFUND count | Number of REFUND requests settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 REFUNDs settled. |
Settled REFUND value | Total value of REFUND requests settled. Only shown if there are more than 0 REFUNDs settled. |
Settled net value | Net total value calculated by subtracting the Settled REFUND value from the Settled AUTH value. |
By enabling/disabling table columns, you can group the data returned in a report. To make changes to the columns displayed, click "Advanced", then "Group by" from the pop-up displayed. From here you can enable any of the following columns and click "Apply" to confirm your changes. Next time you perform a search, these new groupings will be applied.
Grouping name | Description |
Day | On this date... |
Month | During this month... |
Site reference | On this site reference... |
Acquirer | With this acquirer... (Required) |
Currency | Using this currency... |
Request | For the AUTH and/or REFUND requests processed... (Required) |
Account | On this TRU Connect account type (e.g. "ECOM", "MOTO", "RECUR")... |
Payment type | Using this payment type... |
Error code | Returning this error code from TRU Connect gateway... |
Settle status | Returning this settle status from TRU Connect gateway... |
Live status | With this live status... (0=Test, 1=Live) |
Active | With this active status... (0=Inactive, 1=Active) |
3-D Secure enrolled | With this 3-D Secure enrolment status (e.g. "Y", "N")... |
Shield status code | With this Protect Plus shield status code (e.g. "ACCEPT", "DENY")... |
Order reference | With this order reference... |
Wallet source | Using this digital wallet... |
Region | Processed in this region... |
Pricing category | In this pricing category... |