Why hasn't this transaction settled?

  Last updated: 


This can occur for a number of reasons and does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the transaction that needs action taken in order to resolve. The following information is provided to assist in establishing why this might have happened.


  About the Settlement process

Remember that in most circumstances, you will not receive funds from a transaction immediately. Rather, you will need to wait for settlement to be completed, a batch process that is automatically run by Trust Payments on a daily basis. Until this has occurred, payments will typically be shown in Portal as grey with the accompanying text "Pending" (If you use our API to query the settlestatus, this is indicated with value "0").

In these circumstances, this indicates that there are currently no issues that need resolving, and for card payments you should receive funds within 24 hours. Once this process has been completed, the transaction will update in Portal to show "Settled". Click here to learn more about settlement.


Check the request type

You will need to look at the request type and ensure it is "AUTH". This is shown in Portal on both the Transaction search results page and in the details view, as shown below:

Request types shown in the Transaction search results table

Request types shown in the Transaction details view

Alternatively, if you use our Webservices API to submit a TRANSACTIONQUERY, you will need to look at the transaction's requesttypedescription returned.

When tracking the state of a transaction on Trust Payments' system, "AUTH" is used to denote payments that have been processed. Other request types are used to represent other steps in the payment process and do not represent the final state of a transaction (i.e. they will never "settle"). Click here to learn more about the request types you might encounter.


Check the transaction status

When investigating why a transaction hasn't been settled yet, you will need to establish the current status of the transaction by looking at the grade, shown in Portal on both the Transaction search results page and at the top of the details view.

Transaction status shown in the Transaction search results table

Alternatively, if you use our Webservices API to submit a TRANSACTIONQUERY, you will need to look at the transaction's settlestatus.

  • Declined, Cancelled or Failed transaction - If the transaction is shown in Portal in red as "Decline", "Cancelled" or "Error" (represented with settlestatus 3), the transaction cannot be settled and you will not receive funds. You will need to look at the associated error code and associated description to establish why this is. It is not possible to update transactions in this state. To proceed, an entirely new transaction would need to be processed.
  • Suspended transaction - If the transaction is shown in Portal in yellow as "Suspended" (represented with settlestatus 2), the transaction process has been temporarily paused and you will not receive funds unless you take action. Click here to learn more.
  • Pending or manual settlement transaction - If the transaction is shown in Portal as "Pending" or "Manual" (represented with settlestatus 0 or 1, respectively), this means the payment was authorised by the issuing bank and awaiting settlement into your bank account. In most cases, settlement is a batch process that is performed automatically on a daily basis, so no action is needed.
  • Settling transaction - If the transaction is shown in Portal in green as "Settling" (represented with settlestatus 10), this means the settlement process is underway. This state is typically found for alternative payment methods (APM), which - unlike with most credit or debit card transactions - can take longer than 24 hours to complete. This state requires no action on your part, and should resolve automatically, but if you have not received funds within 7 days, we recommend you contact our Support Team for assistance, in case a problem has occurred that needs to be resolved. Due to this longer wait, we recommend a URL notification is configured when setting up APMs on your account, which automatically notifies when settling transactions have finally been settled. For more information settlement for APMs and how to configure notifications, you should refer to the relevant documentation.
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