What is DCC?

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DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) is a feature that allows customers to complete the payment in their currency or your local currency.
The amounts are calculated using a third-party conversion rate provider with up-to-date conversion rates.



Before you get started, please be aware of the following requirements:

  • We support DCC for Visa and Mastercard-branded payment methods. (The customer’s card must support DCC payments)
  • You will need to have a merchant number that allows DCC. For further information, please contact your acquiring bank.
  • You will also need an account with a conversion rate provider. To set up a conversion rate provider on your Trust Payments account, please contact our Sales Team.
  • Once the above have been completed, you will need to contact our Support Team to enable DCC on your Trust Payments account.


What will the customer see?

  • During the checkout process, your website prompts the customer for their address and card details.
  • On the next page, your checkout displays a choice of two currencies, with which the customer can choose to complete the payment.
  • Once the customer chooses their preferred currency, they can click “Pay” and complete the payment.


To begin processing payments with DCC, you will need to configure your solution.


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