paysafecard for Payment Pages

  Last updated: 



A “paysafecard” is a pre-paid card that can be purchased by your customers from sales outlets worldwide (e.g. at PayPoint outlets). Each paysafecard contains a unique PIN that the customer can enter on the checkout page in order to complete a purchase.

myPaysafe” is a personal online payments account to help customers keep track of multiple paysafecard PINs. The customer can opt to sign in to their “myPaysafe” account at time of purchase, which allows them to pay with paysafecard PINs stored on their account.

  Supported customer countries   No restrictions on customer countries
  Supported currencies   ARS, AUD, BGN, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HUF, MXN, NOK, NZD, PEN, PLN, RON, SEK, TRY, USD, UYU

  Refunds not supported.


  Payments are not subject to chargebacks.


  Not supported.

  Recurring payments

  Not supported.


  Why implement paysafecard?

  • Customers can pay online without entering any personal information, bank or credit card details.
  • Funds are settled into your account immediately.
  • paysafecard is available worldwide at 500,000 sales outlets.
  • Customers can combine up to ten PINs to pay larger amounts.


Process overview


  Funds are settled immediately after the customer has completed the payment.
It is not possible for paysafecard transactions to be left in a suspended state (settle status “2”).



  1. To enable this payment method on your account, please get in touch with your account manager.
    A test sandbox account will be provided, which you will need when testing your implementation.
  2. Modify your POST to Payment Pages as needed:

    Field name

    Required during payment session

    (Either included in POST by merchant or entered by customer on Payment Pages)

    Required in POST Description
    billingid No Yes

    A unique identifier for the customer. Each customer must have their own unique id. This id must be re-used by returning customers. This field is alphanumeric. Max length 100.

    This cannot be entered by the customer on the payment details page and must be submitted in the POST.

    paysafeminage No No

    Specifies the minimum age of the “myPaysafe” account holder. e.g. To restrict the minimum age to be 18, submit “18” in this field.

    paysafekyclevel No No

    Specifies the required KYC level for the “myPaysafe” account holder. There are two levels:
    “SIMPLE” – The customer has successfully completed the initial registration process and confirmed their mobile number and email address.

    “FULL” – In addition to the above, the customer has also provided proof of identification (e.g. passport, driving license) and proof of address (e.g. utility bill).

    paysafecountryrestriction No No

    Restricts the payment to be processed exclusively from the country specified (in iso2a format). e.g. “GB” for United Kingdom.

    ruleidentifier No No

    If your POST to the Payment Pages already includes all fields required by the payment method, you can streamline the checkout process for the customer by also submitting ruleidentifier=STR-14.

    This allows the customer’s browser to immediately go to the pages hosted by the payment method to complete the transaction. (We refer to this as Journey C)

    Click here to learn about different journeys.

  If you submit the paysafeminagepaysafekyclevel or paysafecountryrestriction fields, the customer may be forced to sign in to their “myPaysafe” account to verify their details (e.g. to check their age).


The paysafecard-hosted page can be hosted in an iframe.
Always allow vertical scrolling or dynamic sizing. Maximum height of 840px.

paysafecard’s payment page is optimised automatically for mobile devices.
If a customer is using a device with a resolution with width smaller than 600px, a payment panel optimised for mobile devices will be automatically shown. This is also the case if the embedded iframe has a smaller width than 600px.



Funds are settled immediately after the customer has completed the payment.

Before you begin testing, we recommend that you contact our Support Team and request that a rule is enabled on your account that submits a URL notification to your system when a payment has been authorised.


Configuring the authorisation notification

We recommend including at least the following fields in URL notifications sent on authorisation:

  • Base Amount (baseamount) (e.g. £10.50 is “1050”)*
  • Main Amount (mainamount) (e.g. £10.50 is “10.50”)*
  • Billing Country (billingcountryiso2a)
  • Billing Id (billingid)
  • Currency (currencyiso3a)
  • Error Code (errorcode)
  • Live Status (livestatus)
  • Order Reference (orderreference)
  • Payment Type (paymenttypedescription)
  • Request Type (requesttypedescription)
  • Settle Status (settlestatus)
  • Site Reference (sitereference)
  • Transaction Reference (transactionreference)
  • Transaction Started Timestamp (transactionstartedtimestamp)

*Please choose your preferred format.


Check the notification

You will need to check the contents of each notification received and respond accordingly by following the processes outlined in our URL notifications documentation. In particular, you will need to look at the updated settlestatus value:

  • If the settlestatus is “100”, this indicates the payment has been authorised and the funds have been settled into your account.
  • Alternatively, if the settlestatus is “3”, this indicates an error occurred and the payment was cancelled. You can use the errorcode to determine the cause of the error.



You will need to test your solution before you can begin processing live payments. Test transactions are processed through your test Site Reference.


You will need to contact our Support Team, providing your paysafecard test account details. We will then configure your test site reference to connect directly to the paysafecard testing environment.

When performing test transactions, your browser will be redirected to the paysafecard testing environment to simulate a payment. Other than this, the process will be exactly the same as processing live payments.

Screenshot of paysafecard sandbox

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