JCB for Payment Pages

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JCB (an initialism of the company’s former name, Japan Credit Bureau) is a credit card company based in Tokyo, Japan. It is Japan’s only international payment brand. JCB has been pursuing independent expansion since 1981 with the aim of making the brand internationally accepted across the globe.

  This payment method can only be enabled for merchants with acquiring banks based in the US.

  Supported customer countries   For further information on supported countries, please contact your acquiring bank.
  Supported currencies   For further information on supported currencies, please contact your acquiring bank.

  Full and partial refunds permitted.


  Payments may be subject to chargebacks.


  Zero-authorisations can performed by enabling Account Checks, if supported by your acquiring bank.

  Recurring payments

  Recurring payments are supported for this payment using tokenization, if you have a recurring account enabled. (Note: Subscription Engine not supported)


This brand supports the following payment types listed below:

Card name Payment type description
JCB (credit card) JCB
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