Payment Pages customisation references

  Last updated: 


  Trust Payments may add additional attributes to blocks and fields in future updates. You must ensure your solution is able to support such changes.



The following table describes the blocks that can be included when writing HTML to customise your Payment Pages.

Not all blocks are supported on all pages. Blocks that are not supported on a given page are indicated in the table below with a cross:  
Blocks that are supported on a given page are indicated with a tick:


Some blocks are Required on a given page. These are highlighted in yellow, like so:

Note: Some blocks are only required in certain conditions. These are shown with the word Conditional. Hover your cursor over this label for further information.




Block Ability to include on each page
Choice Details Locked 3-D Redirect Response

This block handles the redirect to 3-D Secure.


This block is used to display the customer billing details input. If the Billing country is set to United States, the Billing county field will automatically change to be a State drop-down when rendered on the page.


This block is used to display the customer billing details input.


This block includes the billing response details.


This block is used to display the DCC option details.


This block includes the DCC currency response details.


This block ensures the page will use the Trust Payments default CSS.


This block ensures the page will use the Trust Payments default JavaScript.


This block is used to display the customer details input. If the Delivery country is set to United States, the Delivery county field will automatically change to be a State drop-down when rendered on the page.


This block is used to display the customer details input.


This block includes the delivery response details.


This block contains the HTML DOCTYPE declaration.


This block is used to display the Trust Payments footer.


This block is used to display the Trust Payments header.

 Required  Required  Required  Required  Required

This block contains session information required to ensure successful transactions.

 Conditional  Required    Required  

This block is used to display the processing payment message.


This block is used to display any success, warning or error messages to the customer during payment.


This block contains the metadata information about the HTML page which is required by Trust Payments.


This block is used to display the order information.


This block is used to display the customer payment details input.


This block is used to display the processing payment message.


This block ensures the uploaded CSS provided by the merchant for the specified profile is used.


This block ensures the uploaded JavaScript provided by the merchant for the specified profile is used.


Required on new integrations for correct operation of features such as 3-D Secure v2 and supported digital wallets.

 Required  Required    Required  

This block is used to display the key text for the asterisk’s displayed on the page.


This block is used to display small clickable payment type logos for each of the payment types on the merchant account.


This block is used to display standard clickable payment type logos for each of the payment types on the merchant account.


This block includes the transaction response details.




Field Description

The exact content of the HTTP accept-header field as received from the cardholder’s user agent.

Can be displayed as a value


The type of account the request is processed through (e.g. “ECOM”, “MOTO”).

Can be displayed as a value


ACH-specific field: Transit routing number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


ACH-specific field: Account number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


ACH-specific field: Check number for Point of Sale transactions. Length can be between 1 and 10.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


ACH-specific field: Account type. Either “SAVINGS”, “CHECKING” or “BUSINESSCK”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Response code specific to the acquirer.

Can be displayed as a value


Message returned from the acquirer.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Unique transaction reference assigned by the acquirer.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The acquirer name, e.g. “BANKOFAMERICA”.

Can be displayed as a value


The URL of the Access Control Server to be used in authenticating the cardholder. Supplied if enrolled is “Y”.

Can be displayed as a value


The authorisation code is provided by the card issuer on authorisation.

Can be displayed as a value


Bank transfer-specific field: Customer’s bank account number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Bank transfer-specific field: Customer’s bank id.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Bank transfer-specific field: Name of the customer’s bank.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The amount in base units with no commas or decimal points. For example £10.50 in base units is “1050”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Valid BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of customer’s bank.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


An alias provided by you, to identify the customer (required for certain Alternative Payment Methods).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Two digit country code for the billing address. For a list of country codes, click here.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


County for the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Date of birth of the account-holder.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Date of birth of the account-holder (the day).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Date of birth of the account-holder (the month).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Date of birth of the account-holder (the year).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Email address for billing.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


First name for billing details.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


An id provided by you, used to identify the customer (required for certain Alternative Payment Methods).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Last Name for billing details.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Middle name or initial for billing details.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The postcode for the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Billing Name Prefix. For example, “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Miss”, “Dr”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The first line of the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The street name of the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Billing name suffix. For example “Phd”, “BSc MEng”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The telephone number for the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


This is an attribute for the telephone number. The options available are: “H” = Home, “M” = Mobile, “W” = Work.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The town of the billing address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The URL that the customer will be returned to if they cancel the authorisation on their PayPal account.

Can be displayed as a value


CAVV of a transaction.

Can be displayed as a value


Basic description of the transaction that is shown on the customer’s bank statement.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

credentialsonfile The allowed values for this field are 0, 1 and 2.
  • “0” – Not eligible for Credentials on File, or no intention of re-using credentials at a later time.
  • “1” – Transaction credentials flagged as available for future use.
  • “2” – Payment using previously-stored credentials.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The currency in 3 character format. For a list of currencies, click here.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


If account number type is “ACCOUNT”, the account holder’s account number. If account number type is “CARD” the account holder’s card number (UK-based debt repayment accounts only).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Either “CARD” or “ACCOUNT”. (UK-based debt repayment accounts only).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Two digit country code for the customer address. For a list of country codes, click here.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


County for the customer address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Customer Date of Birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Customer Date of Birth (the day).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Customer Date of Birth (the month).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Customer Date of Birth (the year).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s email address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s first name.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The IP of the customer.

Can be displayed as a value


The customer’s last name.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s middle name.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Reserved keyword.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s address postcode.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The prefix of the customer’s name (e.g. “Mr”, “Miss”, “Dr”).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s address premise (house name or number).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Redirect the customer’s browser to this URL so they can continue with the payment.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s address street name.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The suffix of the customer’s name (e.g. “Bsc”).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s telephone number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


This is an attribute for the telephone number. The options available are: “H” = Home, “M” = Mobile, “W” = Work.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The town of the customer’s address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


DCC-specific: The amount you would like to be credited in the Merchant’s Currency. This amount in base units with no decimal points, so £10.50 would be “1050”.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The conversion rate used to calculate the amount in the Customer’s Currency.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The source of the conversion rate returned from the DCC provider.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The Merchant’s Currency in iso3a format.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: Indicates if the transaction was processed using DCC. “1”= Yes, “0” = No.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The expiry date of the CURRENCYRATE look-up. Subsequent requests using the CURRENCYRATE as a parent must settle before this date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The amount you would like to be credited in the Merchant’s Currency. This amount in main units, with decimal points, so £10.50 would be “10.50”.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The percentage used to calculate the currency conversion fee (4 decimal places), automatically added to the amount in the Customer’s Currency by the DCC provider.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The following values can be returned:

  • 1 – DCC Offered & Accepted
    The customer has accepted the offer of DCC and has chosen to pay in their card issuer's currency.

  • 2 – DCC Not Available
    The customer pays in the merchant's currency. (e.g. the CURRENCYRATE request encountered an error)

  • 3 – DCC Offered & Refused
    The customer has refused the offer of DCC and chosen to pay in the merchant’s currency.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The name of the third-party DCC provider that has provided the conversion rate used in the payment.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: A unique string that contains information on the calculated conversion rate, returned directly from certain conversion rate providers.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: The ratio between the amount in the Customer’s Currency and the amount in the Merchant’s Currency, processed in the request in main units.

Can be displayed as a value


DCC-specific: Either “DCC” or “CPC”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

debtrepayment Indicates if transaction is flagged as debt repayment:

1 – Transaction is flagged as debt repayment.

0 – Transaction is not flagged as debt repayment.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Name of the bank.

Can be displayed as a value


Whether or not the customer’s card is enrolled in 3-D Secure.

Can be displayed as a value


A code to indicate result of the transaction. The code will be “0” if the transaction was successful.

Can be displayed as a value


Additional information to help troubleshoot an error.

Can be displayed as a value


A text description to indicate the result of the transaction. The message will be “Ok” if the transaction was successful.

Can be displayed as a value


The expiry date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value


The month of the expiry date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The year of the expiry date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


The extended charge description.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The payment facilitator id assigned by Mastercard at time of registration.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The payment facilitator name agreed with Mastercard.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The number of records that match the filters specified in the TRANSACTIONQUERY request.

Can be displayed as a value


Bank transfer-specific field: Customer’s international bank account number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The ISO (Independent Sales Organisation) id assigned by Mastercard at time of registration.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

initiationreason These are the values we currently support:
  • “A” – Re-authorisation
  • “C” – Unscheduled payment
  • “D” – Delayed Charges
  • “S” – Resubmission
  • “X” – No-show (for a hotel booking)

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The issue number printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The card issuer.

Can be displayed as a value


Two digit country code for the card issuer. For a list of country codes, click here.

Can be displayed as a value


This will indicate if the transaction was on the live system (“1”) or in test mode (“0”).

Can be displayed as a value


We will use the value of this field when rendering the page, to ensure the correct language is displayed to the customer.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


This amount in main units, with decimal points, so £10.50 would be “10.50”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Unique reference that identifies each direct debit.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


ACH-specific field: Masked transit routing number.

Can be displayed as a value


ACH-specific field: Masked account number.

Can be displayed as a value


Bank transfer-specific field: Masked bank account number.

Can be displayed as a value


If account number type is “ACCOUNT”, the account holder’s account number. If account number type is “CARD” the account holder’s card number (UK-based debt repayment accounts only). (masked)

Can be displayed as a value


Bank transfer-specific field: Masked international bank account number.

Can be displayed as a value


The customer’s social security number. (masked)

Can be displayed as a value


This is the card number printed on the front of the customer’s card. (masked)

Can be displayed as a value


The customer’s social security number. (masked)

Can be displayed as a value


3-D Secure-specific field: The unique 3-D Secure reference for this transaction.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Your MCC is a four-digit number assigned to you by your acquirer. It is used to classify the business by the type of products or services it provides.

Can be displayed as a value


The merchant city that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable).

Can be displayed as a value


The merchant country that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The merchant’s email address.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The merchant’s name.

Can be displayed as a value


The merchant number.

Can be displayed as a value


The merchant state code that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable).

Can be displayed as a value


The merchant zip/post code that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable).

Can be displayed as a value


The customer’s social security number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The value of this field contains the name of the user that processed the request.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Your unique order reference that can be stored on Trust Payments’s system.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


This is the card number printed on the front of the customer’s card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Reference to a previous transaction.

Can be displayed as a value


3-D Secure-specific field: The 3-D authentication request.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


3-D Secure-specific field: The 3-D authentication response.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The customer’s payment method, for example “VISA” or “MASTERCARD”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input

  • “0” – Customer will be offered a choice between the delivery address entered on your website and addresses on their PayPal account.
  • “1” – Customer will use the delivery address entered on your website.
  • “2” – Customer will not be prompted to choose a delivery address on PayPal’s website (best suited to online services and downloads).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The email address that the customer will use to sign in to PayPal.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The language of the PayPal login page.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


PayPal-specific field: The expected maximum total amount of the complete order, including shipping cost and tax charges. PayPal uses this value to validate the buyer’s funding source. The amount is in base units, with no decimal points, so £10.50 would be “1050”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


PayPal-specific field: The expected maximum total amount of the complete order, including shipping cost and tax charges. PayPal uses this value to validate the buyer’s funding source. The amount is in main units, with decimal points, so £10.50 would be “10.50”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


PayPal-specific field: Unique PayPal customer account number.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


PayPal-specific field: The status of the payer with PayPal. Either “verified” or “unverified”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

paysafecountryrestriction Restricts the payment to be processed exclusively from the country specified (in iso2a format).

e.g. “GB” for United Kingdom.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


A unique id assigned to the transaction by paysafecard. You can store these ids for future correspondence with paysafecard.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

paysafekyclevel Specifies the required KYC level for the “my paysafecard” account holder. There are two levels:
  • “SIMPLE” – The customer has successfully completed the initial registration process and confirmed their mobile number and email address.
  • “FULL” – In addition to the above, the customer has also provided proof of identification (e.g. passport, driving license) and proof of address (e.g. utility bill).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The minimum age of the “my paysafecard” account holder, as specified in the ORDER request.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The reward id.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Security code printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The day you would like the transaction to settle. It must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


This value relates to the status you would like to set the transaction.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a drop-down
Can be displayed as a text input


Unique reference to your site, received on setup.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Total number of splits permitted. Must be “2” or higher (including the initial authorisation).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Start date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value


Month of the start date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Year of the start date printed on the card.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Define the profile used to style the Payment Pages.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Value assigned by the payment facilitator when involved in the transaction.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The date of when the first recurring subscription payment will be processed.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The number of subscriptions to be processed in total over the course of the subscription (including the initial authorisation).

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

subscriptionfrequency Combined with the subscriptionunit field, this defines how frequently payments are processed.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The position of the transaction within a series of Subscription payments.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The type of Subscription, as required by the acquiring bank. The value can either be “INSTALLMENT” or “RECURRING”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The unit of time between each subscription. This can be either “DAY” or “MONTH”.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Unique reference of the transaction, available after a payment request has been processed.

Can be displayed as a value


Timestamp of when the transaction was processed.

Can be displayed as a value


The version of Payment Pages being used.

Can be displayed as a value


The name of the wallet used with the transaction.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


Id of the wallet associated with the transaction.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input


The transaction wallet source.

Can be displayed as a value
Can be displayed as a text input

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