Payment Pages transaction journeys

  Last updated: 

After the customer agrees to a purchase on your checkout, the customer is redirected to the Payment Pages, hosted by Trust Payments. This section describes the main workflows available to you:


Journey A


  • The customer is redirected to our secure servers, where they are presented with a choice between all payment methods enabled on your account.
  • The customer selects their preferred payment method and is then prompted for their payment details.



Checkout experience

1. Payment choice

The customer is redirected to our servers, where they select from payment methods enabled on your account.


2. Payment details

The customer is displayed a form prompting for their payment details, billing address and delivery address. This form displays the appropriate fields for the payment method selected.

The billing/delivery fields can be hidden by utilizing different profiles. Click here to learn more.


3. 3-D Secure

If the customer’s card supports 3-D Secure, the Access Control Server (ACS) overlay will be displayed. For customers deemed high-risk of fraud, they may be prompted to verify their identity (e.g. enter a passcode). However, in most cases, the customer will briefly be shown a holding message before the payment is processed, without the need for additional authentication.

Click here for further information on 3-D Secure.

After this, the customer is redirected back to Trust Payments.


4. Response

Finally, the customer is displayed a success message, along with the amount, currency and payment type used. Alternatively, you can opt to have the customer redirected back to your website following successful payment.

  If a transaction is authorised, it is not guaranteed you will receive funds. Funds are not transferred to your account until settlement.




Here is a template HTML form for redirecting your customers to the Payment Pages:

<form method="POST" action="<DOMAIN>/process/payments/choice">
<input type="hidden" name="sitereference" value="test_site12345">
<input type="hidden" name="stprofile" value="default">
<input type="hidden" name="currencyiso3a" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="mainamount" value="100.00">
<input type="hidden" name="version" value="2">
<input type="submit" value="Pay">

Replace <DOMAIN> with a supported domain. Click here for a full list.


Here are the required fields for the form above, along with their descriptions:

Required fields Description
sitereference The unique reference that you receive when you sign up.
currencyiso3a The transaction currency (in ISO3A format).
mainamount The amount of the transaction should be in main units. Only include the amount value and the decimal place (no commas).
e.g. £10.99 would be submitted as 10.99
Currencies such as Japanese Yen which do not require a decimal place are submitted without.
e.g. 1000 Yen would be 1000.
version This value will be set to 2.
stprofile Used to specify the styling used to render the Payment Pages. When using the default appearance, this is set to “default” (click here for further information on profiles).

Note: We recommend that text submitted is encoded in UTF-8.
Special characters must be URL-encoded (e.g. “&” should be submitted as “%26”).


Journey B


  • The customer is redirected to our secure servers, where they enter their payment details (under default configuration, we prompt for card details).



Checkout experience

1. Payment details

When posted to our servers, the customer is prompted for their payment details and billing /delivery addresses.

The billing/delivery fields can be hidden by utilizing different profiles. Click here to learn more.


2. 3-D Secure

If the customer’s card supports 3-D Secure, the Access Control Server (ACS) overlay will be displayed. For customers deemed high-risk of fraud, they may be prompted to verify their identity (e.g. enter a passcode). However, in most cases, the customer will briefly be shown a holding message before the payment is processed, without the need for additional authentication.

Click here for further information on 3-D Secure.

After this, the customer is redirected back to Trust Payments.


3. Response

Finally, the customer is displayed a success message, along with the amount, currency and payment type used. Alternatively, you can opt to have the customer redirected back to your website following successful payment.

  If a transaction is authorised, it is not guaranteed you will receive funds. Funds are not transferred to your account until settlement.




Here is a template HTML form for redirecting your customers to the Payment Pages:

<form method="POST" action="<DOMAIN>/process/payments/details">
<input type="hidden" name="sitereference" value="test_site12345">
<input type="hidden" name="stprofile" value="default">
<input type="hidden" name="currencyiso3a" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="mainamount" value="100.00">
<input type="hidden" name="version" value="2">
<input type="submit" value="Pay">

Replace <DOMAIN> with a supported domain. Click here for a full list.


Here are the required fields for the form above, along with their descriptions:

Required fields Description
sitereference The unique reference that you receive when you sign up.
currencyiso3a The transaction currency (in ISO3A format).
mainamount The amount of the transaction should be in main units. Only include the amount value and the decimal place (no commas).
e.g. £10.99 would be submitted as 10.99.
Currencies such as Japanese Yen which do not require a decimal place are submitted without.
e.g. 1000 Yen would be 1000.
version This value will be set to 2.
stprofile Used to specify the styling used to render the Payment Pages. When using the default appearance, this is set to “default” (click here for further information on profiles).

Note: We recommend that text submitted is encoded in UTF-8.
Special characters must be URL-encoded (e.g. “&” should be submitted as “%26”).


Journey C


  • The customer is redirected to our secure servers, where they are presented with a choice between all payment methods enabled on your account. They select their preferred payment method to continue.
  • If the customer has already entered the required payment details on your checkout, they are immediately redirected to the APM-hosted pages to complete the transaction.
  • Otherwise, the customer’s browser will first go to the Trust Payments hosted details page (as described in Journey A, above) to enter the required details.



Checkout experience

1. Payment choice

The customer is redirected to our servers, where they select from payment methods enabled on your account.


2. Customer selects an Alternative Payment Method (APM)

If the customer has not already entered the fields required by the APM, they will be displayed the payment details page (a page hosted by Trust Payments) to enter this information, prior to being redirected to the APM-hosted pages.

If the customer has already entered the required fields and these have been submitted in the POST to Trust Payments, the customer will be immediately redirected to the APM-hosted pages (bypassing our hosted payment details page), where they follow on-screen prompts to complete the payment.

  Journey C and paying by card

Please note that the customer will always be shown our hosted payment details page when opting to pay by card (as described in Journeys A and B), as they will need to enter their card details.


3. Response

Finally, the customer is displayed a success message, along with the amount, currency and payment type used. Alternatively, you can opt to have the customer redirected back to your website following successful payment.




Here is a template HTML form for redirecting your customers to the Payment Pages:

<form method="POST" action="<DOMAIN>/process/payments/choice">
<input type="hidden" name="sitereference" value="test_site12345">
<input type="hidden" name="stprofile" value="default">
<input type="hidden" name="currencyiso3a" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="mainamount" value="100.00">
<input type="hidden" name="ruleidentifier" value="STR-14">
<input type="hidden" name="version" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="billingcountryiso2a" value="DE">
<input type="hidden" name="billingfirstname" value="Joe">
<input type="hidden" name="billinglastname" value="Bloggs">
<input type="submit" value="Pay">

Replace <DOMAIN> with a supported domain. Click here for a full list.


Here are the required fields for the form above, along with their descriptions:

Required fields Description
sitereference The unique reference that you receive when you sign up.
currencyiso3a The transaction currency (in ISO3A format).
ruleidentifier The unique id (defined in the Rule manager) of the rule that will be triggered when processing the transaction. In this case, the field must be submitted with value “STR-14”, which allows the customer to bypass our hosted payment details page when we already have all the fields required to redirect the customer to the APM.
mainamount The amount of the transaction should be in main units. Only include the amount value and the decimal place (no commas).
e.g. £10.99 would be submitted as 10.99
Currencies such as Japanese Yen which do not require a decimal place are submitted without.
e.g. 1000 Yen would be 1000.
version This value will be set to 2.

Used to specify the styling used to render the Payment Pages. When using the default appearance, this is set to “default” (click here for further information on profiles).

  In order for the customer to bypass the Trust Payments hosted payment details page and be immediately redirected to the APM’s hosted pages, you will need to ensure that all required fields are submitted in the POST. You will need to refer to the specification for each APM you enable on your account.

Note: We recommend that text submitted is encoded in UTF-8.
Special characters must be URL-encoded (e.g. “&” should be submitted as “%26”).


Session locked

  • If the customer refreshes their browser before their request has completed, they will be shown the session locked page. This page will automatically refresh periodically until the initial request has been completed.
  • Following this, the customer will be shown either a success or error message, depending on the final outcome of the request.
  • Any redirects that have been configured for success / error outcomes will still occur following the display of the session locked page.

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