How do I regain access if I've lost my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device for RAM Tool?

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RAM Tool supports the registration of multiple devices for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This means that if you lose access to the secondary device from which you normally retrieve the One Time Password (OTP) for RAM Tool MFA, you can simply register another:

  1. On the login screen, enter your username and password as usual and select "Authenticator" from the authentication options provided.
  2. Rather than selecting one of your previously registered devices from the drop-down, instead click "Register Device" and follow the on-screen instructions to register a new device. Click here for further info on the MFA setup process.

Once you have successfully registered a new device and used this to regain access to your RAM Tool account, you should remove the old device from your RAM Tool account:

  1. From the top right of the RAM Tool interface, click your username to view your profile.
  2. Click the "Manage MFA Devices" tab.
  3. Under the Remove Device section, select the old device from the drop-down and click "Remove Device".

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