Funding Account report

  Last updated: 
  This feature is available to merchants using our acquiring services.

The "Funding Account" report shows the current balance for one or more MID accounts and provides a record of all incoming transactions and outgoing debits, such as refunds, rolling reserves, chargebacks and fees.

  Required user roles

Admin, Developer, TransactionUser, ViewFeesAndStatements, ViewTransactionsOnly

  How to access

  1. Select “Reporting” from the side-bar to open the Reporting page.
  2. In the top left, select "MID" and then specify a MID to search.

      When selecting multiple MIDs, these need to be comma-separated:

    e.g. "000104912345678,000104908642024"

  3. From "Stored Searches", select "Funding Account".

  4. From "Account Type", select from the following search filters:
    • Acquiring Fee Account (Gross) - For accounts using the gross settlement model, this will only display fees.
    • Payment Account - This shows transactions, manual adjustments, chargebacks and the amount to be funded into your bank account. For accounts using the net settlement model, this also includes fees.
  5. From "Settlement Currency", select the currencies used to display the amounts in the report.
    (Ensure you select a currency that is supported by your MID)
  6. From "Date", select the date range for the report.
  7. Select between displaying results "On Screen" or performing an "Export" (download report as an XLSX or CSV file).

  8. Click "Search".

  Searchable records are available up until the previous calendar day. Attempting to search the current day will yield no results.

  Reports displayed on screen can only be generated from a maximum of 1,000 records of data across all selected MIDs. If this limit is exceeded, this excess data will not be included in the report displayed, resulting in inaccurate data. In this situation, you should instead export the full report, as this will include all data.


Table filters

Reports displayed on screen show one MID and one settlement currency at a time.

You can choose the MID and settlement currency used by the report by selecting from the table filters found above the table. The report table will be updated with your selections immediately without the need to refresh the page.

The Current Balance shown at the top of the report also reflects the selected MID and settlement currency. The balance displayed is current as of the Last Updated date shown to the right.

If you can't see all the expected settlement currencies in the table filters for selection, follow these tips:

  • Check that you have selected these currencies from the search filters at the top of the page.

  • If there are more than 1,000 records available, download the report to ensure all records are shown.
  • If you are still unable to select a currency, there may not have been any matching transactions in that currency within the date range searched.


Report table

Each row in the table represents groups of transactions into / out of the Funding Account, grouped by card type and location. For each entry in the table, the following information is displayed:

Column name Description
Posted Date The date that the transactions were processed.
Account Type The type of account shown in the report. (For this stored report, "Funding Account" will always be shown)
Transaction Type The type of transaction(s) or fees(s) covered in this record.
Transaction Count For this record, this is the number of incoming transactions and outgoing debits, such as refunds, rolling reserves, chargebacks and fees.
Transaction Currency The processing currency of transaction(s) or fee(s) covered in this record.
Transaction Amount The total amount of these transaction(s) or fee(s) in the processing currency.
Account Amount Net

This shows the net change to the Funding Account as a result of these transactions in the settlement currency.

  • Funds credited to the Funding Account are shown as positive values.
  • Funds debited from the Funding Account are shown as negative values.
Card Type For Transaction Type of "Merchant Purchase Deposit", this is the card scheme of the customer cards.
ARN The Acquirer Reference Number (Only applicable for Chargebacks).
Addendum ARN An internal reference used by Trust Payments.
Fee Sequence Description

The description of the manual adjustment (if applicable).

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