Historical Analysis

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The "Historical Analysis" page shows analyses of historical transactions processed in the UK for your hotels over the past year. You can use the tabs found along the top of the page to switch between the views "Daily", "30 Day Rolling Average", "90 Day Rolling Average", "Monthly" and "Seasonal".



Time Series Comparison of Average Transaction Amount

Use the field at the top to select one or more of your hotels and/or one or more UK regions. This allows you to compare average transaction amounts processed at your hotels with each other and/or against regional averages in the sector over time.

The time frequencies shown on the x-axis is dependent on the tab selected at the top of the page. e.g. If "Daily" is selected at the top, there will be a plot point on the graph for every day in the last year. If "Monthly" is selected at the top, there will be a plot point on the graph for every month in the last year.



Time Series Correlation Analysis of Transaction Amount for the Past Year

These charts allow you to identify correlations in average transactions between your hotels and also with regional averages across the sector. Trust Payments will analyse the amount and timing of transactions performed over the past year to look for patterns.

If two hotels see comparable peaks or troughs in transactions at the same times of the year, this is identified as a positive correlation and is represented by a positive percentage, with a higher percentage representing a stronger positive correlation.

In contrast, if one hotel sees a peak in transactions while another experiences a trough, this inverse relationship is identified as a negative correlation, which is represented by a negative percentage, with a lower percentage representing a stronger negative correlation.

If little or no correlation is identified between the two hotels, the correlation is close to 0%.

  The presence of correlations, or lack thereof, is not inherently an indicator of strong or weak performance. There are many factors at play that can influence these metrics. Ultimately it is your responsibility to draw your own conclusions from the data displayed by analysing it in conjunction with other metrics. A good place to start is the Time Series Comparison of Average Transaction Amount graph found directly above, as this allows you to plot daily average transaction amounts on a graph and compare between hotels and regional averages in the sector.

Positive correlations are more common. For example, if all of your hotels have a moderately strong positive correlation with each other, this suggests that your guests are staying at your hotels at the same times of year.

Negative correlations are less typical and therefore more worthy of investigation. Here are some tips that may help you when working with negative correlations:

  • If two of your hotels have a moderate negative correlation, it suggests guests are choosing to spend money at one of your hotels at one time of year and the other at another time of year. e.g. If you run a ski resort hotel that has stronger performance during the winter and also a beach-side hotel that sees a peak during the summer.
  • If any of your hotels have a moderate negative correlation when compared to the regional average, this may be a good sign, as it could suggest that guests are spending more at your hotels at times when performance in the sector is weak. However, it could also be a bad sign, as a negative correlation can also represent the opposite effect - weak performance at your hotels at times when the sector is strong.

Start by selecting one of the following options from the first drop-down:

Merchant Overview

This allows you to compare the average transactions processed for one of your hotels to other hotels in your chain. Using the second drop-down, choose one of your hotels and the charts will automatically update.

On the left, a bar chart shows the correlation of average transaction amounts between the hotel selected in the second drop-down and your other hotels. Positive correlations are shown in blue and negative correlations are shown in red.

On the right, a matrix is presented that lists all of your hotels along both the vertical and horizontal axes. This displays the correlation of average transaction amounts between all pairings of your hotels. The strongest positive correlations are shown in white and the weakest positive correlations (these may even be negative correlations) are shown in blue.

Regional Overview

This allows you to compare regional averages across the sector with each other. Using the second drop-down, choose from the different UK regions and the charts will automatically update.

On the left, a bar chart shows the correlation of average transaction amounts between regions. Positive correlations are shown in blue and negative correlations are shown in red.

On the right, a matrix is presented that lists all regions along both the vertical and horizontal axes. This displays the correlation of average transaction amounts between all pairings of regions. The strongest positive correlations are shown in white and the weakest positive correlations (these may even be negative correlations) are shown in blue.

Merchant vs Regional Comparison

This allows you to compare the average transactions processed for one of your hotels to regional averages across the sector. Using the second drop-down, choose one of your hotels and the charts will automatically update.

On the left, a bar chart shows the correlation of average transaction amounts between the hotel selected in the second drop-down and regional averages across the sector. Positive correlations are shown in blue and negative correlations are shown in red.

On the right, a matrix is presented that lists all of your hotels on the horizontal axis and all UK regions on the vertical axis. This displays the correlation of average transaction amounts between all pairings of your hotels and UK regions. The strongest positive correlations are shown in white and the weakest positive correlations (these may even be negative correlations) are shown in blue.


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