Tourism Demographics

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The "Tourism Demographics" page shows analyses of transactions processed grouped by the country of origin of the card used (this is determined by using the PAN to identify the card issuer).

You can use the tabs found along the top of the page to switch between timeframes "Yesterday", "Last Week", "1 Month", "3 Months" and "12 Months".

Just beneath this, there is another drop-down allowing you to switch between "Merchant" and "Regional" views.

To learn more about these two views, expand the sections below:

Merchant view

International vs UK - Hotel Total Transaction Amount

For each of your hotels during the selected timeframe, Trust Payments calculates a ratio by dividing the total transaction amount processed with international credit/debit cards by the total amount from UK credit/debit cards before multiplying by 100 to make a percentage. These percentages are used to show the differences in total transaction amounts processed by UK and international cards. e.g. if the total transaction amount for a given hotel from international cards is double that of UK cards, the percentage would be 200%.


International vs Domestic Transaction Amounts by Hotel

On the left, a bar chart shows the calculated ratios showing the difference between total transaction amounts from UK and international cards. The ratio for each given hotel is shown in a lighter shade of blue. For additional context, the average ratio for the region in which the given hotel resides is also shown in a deeper shade of blue.


International vs UK Transaction Amount

On the right, a map of the UK is shown with the regions shown in different colours. Regions where your hotels, on average, have the highest ratio of total transaction amounts from international cards compared to UK cards are shown in shades of green. Regions that have the lowest ratio are shown in shades of red.



Overview of BIN Country Breakdown (in the Merchant view)

These metrics allow you to determine the countries from where most of your visitors reside and compare this against regional averages in the sector. Trust Payments looks at the BIN (Bank Identification Number) found at the start of card numbers used to pay for bookings and uses this to determine the countries in which they were issued.

Start by selecting one of your hotels from the first drop-down and the charts below will automatically update.


Top 10 BIN Countries by Transaction Amount for x Hotel

On the left, a bar chart shows the total transaction amounts processed during the timeframe selected using the tabs at the top of the page, grouped by country. For each country, the lighter blue bar shows the total amount processed for the hotel selected in the drop-down and the darker blue bar shows the regional average amount processed across the sector.

This means that if the lighter blue bar representing your hotel is greater than the darker blue bar representing the regional average, your hotel is performing better than average when it comes to transacting with customers from the given country. In contrast, if the lighter blue bar is lower than the darker blue bar, your hotel is underperforming with customers from that country when compared to the regional average.


BIN Country Breakdown by Hotel for x Timeframe

On the right, a table is presented that lists all of your hotels on the horizontal axis and countries on the vertical axis. Choose from the two radio buttons above the table to change the view:

  • Transaction Amount - This shows the total transaction amount processed at each of your hotels from cards issued in the countries listed, during the timeframe selected using the tabs at the top of the page. (e.g. If hotel A has 1,500 for country B, this means £1,500 was processed at hotel A from cards issued in country B during the given timeframe)
  • Proportion (%) - This shows the proportion of total transaction amounts processed at each of your hotels from cards issued in the countries listed, during the timeframe selected using the tabs at the top of the page. (e.g. If hotel A has 75 for country B, this means 75% of the total transaction amount processed at hotel A during the given timeframe was processed from cards issued in country B)


Regional view

International vs UK - Regional Average Transaction Amount

For hotels in each region during the selected timeframe, Trust Payments calculates a ratio by dividing the average total transaction amount processed with international credit/debit cards by the average total amount from UK credit/debit cards before multiplying by 100 to make a percentage. These percentages are used to show the differences in total transaction amounts processed by UK and international cards. e.g. if the total transaction amount for a given hotel from international cards is double that of UK cards, the percentage would be 200%.


International vs Domestic Transaction Amounts by Region

On the left, a bar chart shows the calculated ratios showing the difference between average total transaction amounts from UK and international cards for each UK region.


International vs UK Regional Average Transaction Amount

On the right, a map of the UK is shown with the regions shown in different colours. Regions where hotels in the sector, on average, have the highest ratio of total transaction amounts from international cards compared to UK cards are shown in shades of green. Regions that have the lowest ratio are shown in shades of red.



Overview of BIN Country Breakdown (in the Regional view)

These metrics allow you to determine the countries from where most visitors to hotels in the region overall reside. Trust Payments looks at the BIN (Bank Identification Number) found at the start of card numbers used to pay for bookings and uses this to determine the countries in which they were issued.

Start by selecting a UK region from the first drop-down and the charts below will automatically update.


Top 10 BIN Countries by Average Transaction Amount for x Region

On the left, a bar chart shows the average total transaction amounts processed across hotels in the sector grouped by country, during the timeframe selected.


BIN Country Breakdown by Region for x Timeframe

On the right, a table is presented that lists all UK regions on the horizontal axis and countries on the vertical axis. Choose from the two radio buttons above the table to change the view:

  • Transaction Amount - This shows the average total transaction amount processed across all hotels in each UK region from cards issued in the countries listed, during the timeframe selected using the tabs at the top of the page. (e.g. If region A has 1,500 for country B, this means an average of £1,500 was processed at hotels located in region A from cards issued in country B during the given timeframe)
  • Proportion (%) - This shows the proportion of average total transaction amounts processed at hotels in each UK region from cards issued in the countries listed, during the timeframe selected using the tabs at the top of the page. (e.g. If region A has 75 for country B, this means 75% of the average total transaction amount processed at hotels located in region A during the given timeframe was processed from cards issued in country B)
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