Employee Wages

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The "Employee Wages" page shows analyses of employee wage data sourced from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) provided by the UK's Organisation of National Statistics (ONS). Trust Payments compares this wage data directly against revenue as determined from transactions processed by your customers. The wage data shown is at the sector level, with the average wage for the accommodation sector for each region used.



Average Weekly Earnings of UK Regions for Accommodation vs Latest PAN Average Weekly Transaction Amount

On the left, a table is presented that displays the following information for each UK region listed on the vertical axis:

  • Accommodation Wages - The average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector for the previous calendar year.
  • Accommodation vs Total - The average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector as a percentage of the average weekly pay for jobs across all sectors. e.g. If region A has 60%, this means that jobs in the accommodation sector pay 60% of what the average worker is paid weekly.
  • PAN Average Weekly Transaction Amount - The average amount spent per card per week across all hotels in the sector.
  • Annual Change of Accommodation Wages - This shows the percentage increase or decrease of average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector when comparing the figures from the previous calendar year to the year before that. e.g. If region A has 20%, this means that weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation section rose by 20% last year.

On the right, a map of the UK is shown that is divided into regions. Each region is colour-coded by the percentage change in average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector, with regions with the smallest increase shown in darker shades of green and regions with the largest increases shown in darker shades of red.



Regional Wages Relative to PAN Average Amount

These charts allow you to compare the average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector to spending by guests at hotels in your chain.


Regional PAN Average Amount

On the left, a bar chart shows the average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector as a percentage of the average amount spent per unique visitor across all hotels in each UK region. e.g. If the percentage region A is 200%, then the average weekly pay of one worker is double the average amount spent by one visitor in a week. Thus, the greater the percentage value, the greater the average weekly pay relative to the amount received from one visitor.


Hotel PAN Average Amount

On the right, a bar chart shows the average weekly pay for jobs in the accommodation sector as a percentage of the average amount spent per unique visitor to hotels in your chain. e.g. If the percentage for hotel B is 200%, then the average weekly pay of one worker is double the average amount spent by one visitor in a week. Thus, the greater the percentage value, the greater the average weekly pay relative to the amount received from one visitor.

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