Pay by Bank (also known as Account to Account) for Payment Pages

  Last updated: 


Pay by Bank (also known as Account to Account or A2A) is a bank transfer payment method. Trust Payments provides Pay by Bank with a processing partner authorised by the financial regulators in the UK and EEA (European Economic Area). When opting to pay with Pay by Bank on your checkout, customers will be redirected to a page hosted by our processing partner, which will prompt them to select their bank. The bank will determine the next steps undertaken by the customer to authorise the payment, but typically the customer will be asked to perform some form of SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), e.g. reviewing and approving the order using a banking app installed on their device. Once they agree to the payment, the customer will finally be redirected back to your website.

  Supported customer countries   GB
  Supported currencies   GBP

  Not supported.

  Chargebacks   Payments are not subject to chargebacks.

  Not supported.

  Recurring payments

  Not supported.



To enable this payment method on your account, please get in touch with your Account Manager.
A test sandbox account will be provided, which you will need when testing your implementation. No further configuration is needed to begin processing Pay by Bank transactions.


  Do not display the redirecturl within an iframe. This will prevent the content from being rendered correctly, and can ultimately prevent the payment from being completed successfully.



  The settlement process for Pay by Bank differs from the standard process followed with card payments

Once a payment has been authorised, it is shown as status Settled in MyST. Settlement of funds into your bank account will occur at a later time, as determined by the terms and timelines agreed with Trust Payments during the onboarding process.

  In rare cases, a Pay by Bank transaction may not update to status "Settled"

In the unlikely event that a payment is still pending settlement after 7 days (settlestatus “10”), this will be scheduled for investigation and we will contact you with further information.


Managing your transactions in MyST

As with any other payment method, all Pay by Bank transactions can be viewed and managed within MyST, our online portal. When working with Pay by Bank transactions, please be aware of the following:

  • Please be aware that Pay by Bank is often shown in MyST as "Pay by Bank", with a green background. But it can also be shown as "Account to account" (e.g. when in Compact mode).



You will need to test your solution before you can begin processing live payments. Test transactions are processed through your test Site Reference.


You will need to contact our Support Team and request that your test site reference is configured to connect directly to the sandbox environment. Testing frameworks and sandboxes will be arranged individually with each of our participating merchants.

When performing test transactions, the redirect URL returned in the AUTH response will redirect your browser to the sandbox environment to simulate the Pay by Bank checkout process. We will provide you with test credentials needed to proceed through the interface.

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