Emails to merchant following payment

  Last updated: 


You can request email notifications be sent to merchants following transactions on the Payment Pages. These are configured to be sent to members of your company or organisation, and are sent to an email address of your choosing. By default, they look like this:



Configuring merchant email notification

It is simple to enable email notifications on a transaction-by-transaction basis. For requests where you would like to receive merchant email notifications, you will need to add the following fields to your POST to the Payment Pages:

<!--Sends email confirmation to the merchant, following successful transaction:-->
<input type=hidden name="ruleidentifier" value="STR-4">

<!--Sends email confirmation to the merchant, following declined transaction:-->
<input type=hidden name="ruleidentifier" value="STR-5">

<!--IMPORTANT: You also need to include the merchant’s email address for merchant emails to work-->
<input type=hidden name="merchantemail" value="">
  Any rule identifiers submitted (e.g. “STR-4”) and the merchant email address (if submitted) need to be included in the string used to generate your request site security hash. Failure to do so will result in the customer being shown an “Invalid details” error message.

Note: You can specify multiple recipients provided addresses are comma-separated:
e.g. “,”


Included fields

The following fields are included as default within email notifications:

  If these fields are not populated during the payment session, they will be omitted from the email notification.

  • Auth Code
  • Billing Country
  • Billing County
  • Billing Email
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing Postcode
  • Billing Premise
  • Billing Street
  • Billing Town
  • Currency
  • Main Amount
  • Merchant Name
  • Order Reference
  • Request Type
  • Transaction Reference


Additional notes

  • All emails are sent from
  • Email notifications for successful transactions have the subject: “Successful transaction processed”.
  • Email notifications for declined transactions have the subject: “Transaction declined”.

Merchant email notifications are only sent when the following criteria have been met:

  • The rule has been configured and activated on your site reference.
  • The merchantemail field must be submitted in the HTTPS POST.


  You can customise the appearance of email notifications:

  • Specify the information to be displayed.
  • Use HTML to completely redesign the layout of the email.

Click here for further information.

  You can use the MyST Rule Manager to perform advanced customisation:

  • Configure additional email rules that have more specific conditions.
  • Specify the reply to address and the subject.

Click here for further information.

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