Visa for Payment Pages

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Visa is a global leader in payments technology, connecting consumers, businesses, financial institutions and governments to fast, secure and reliable payments, in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Trust Payments supports a number of different Visa payment methods, as listed below.

  Supported customer countries   For further information on supported countries, please contact your acquiring bank.
  Supported currencies   For further information on supported currencies, please contact your acquiring bank.

  Full and partial refunds permitted.


  Payments may be subject to chargebacks.


  Zero-authorisations can performed by enabling Account Checks, if supported by your acquiring bank.

  Recurring payments

  You can process automated recurring payments for this method using our Subscription Engine, if you have a recurring account enabled. Your system can also utilise tokenization to process recurring payments.


This brand supports the following payment types listed below:

Card name Payment type description
Visa Debit (debit card) DELTA
Visa Electron (debit card) ELECTRON
Visa Purchasing (company charge card) PURCHASING
Visa Credit (credit card) VISA
VPAY (debit card) VPAY
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