American Express for Webservices API

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American Express (also known as AMEX) is an American multinational financial services corporation. The company is best known for its credit card and charge card business, with 110 million cards currently in use.

  Supported customer countries   For further information on supported countries, please contact your acquiring bank.
  Supported currencies   For further information on supported currencies, please contact your acquiring bank.

  Full and partial refunds permitted.


  Payments may be subject to chargebacks.


  Zero-authorisations can performed by submitting an ACCOUNTCHECK request, if supported by your acquiring bank.

  Recurring payments

  Recurring payments are supported for this payment method if you have a recurring account enabled. This process can be automated using our Subscription Engine. Click here to learn more.


To process a payment with this card brand, set the paymenttypedescription in your request to the appropriate supported value from the list below:

Card name Payment type description
American Express (credit card) AMEX


Enabling American Express

  You must first follow the steps below before accepting payments from American Express cards on your Trust Payments account. Failure to do so will result in rejected transactions.

  1. Contact American Express and sign up with their merchant services. You need to be provided with a Merchant Id(s) (MID) that has been explicitly configured for use with Trust Payments. E-commerce and MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) configurations each require a separate MID. If you are not sure, please clarify this with American Express.

      If you are moving to Trust Payments from a previous payment gateway, do not re-use the old MID without first contacting American Express and clarifying the situation. You may need to be provided with a new MID to use instead.

  2. Once you have been provided with an American Express MID, please email the following details to our Support Team at
    • Merchant Account: -Share your ECOM MID-

    • Account Type: E-commerce

    • Merchant Account: -Share your MOTO MID-

    • Account Type: MOTO

    • Legal Name: -Share the name of your business registered with American Express-

    • Trading Address: -Share the address of your business registered with American Express-

    • Currency: -Share the currencies enabled by American Express on the MID-

  3. Once our Support Team has replied to confirm these details have been added to our records, you will be able to process American Express transactions once your live site reference has been enabled.

      These steps are not required to process transactions on the test site reference.
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