Processing final authorisations

  Last updated: 

You can only process final authorisations with Mastercard-branded cards.

final authorisation is used to seek authorisation for a transaction and reserve the funds on the customer’s account, in cases where the final amount to be debited from the customer is known at time of authorisation. By default, the funds reserved by final authorisations are typically settled within 24 hours, but can be deferred if needed. Mastercard mandate that final authorisations must be settled within 4 days.

  Trust Payments will automatically cancel all outstanding final authorisations after 7 days if they have not been settled.

Final authorisations must meet the following criteria:

   Settlement should only be deferred for up to 4 days following authorisation.

   Following authorisation, the amount value should not be changed.

   Following authorisation, the transaction should not be cancelled.

  Failure to adhere to these conditions may incur a fine from Mastercard.
For full terms and conditions, please contact your acquiring bank.

Final authorisations are most useful when employed in the following scenarios:

  • The final amount to be debited from the customer is not expected to change.
  • Settlement is to be performed imminently.

  To defer settlement, you will need to suspend the transaction. To settle the funds into your bank account, you will need to update the transaction to settlestatus “0” or “1”.



  You can only process final authorisations with Mastercard-branded cards.

  Mastercard Europe have mandated that Mastercard and Maestro transactions processed with certain European acquiring banks must be flagged as either pre-authorisations or final authorisation. Such transactions are subject to acquirer-specific conditions.

Failure to adhere to these conditions may incur a fine from Mastercard.
For full terms and conditions, please contact your acquiring bank.


Processing final authorisations

  Default behaviour

By default, authorisations are processed as final authorisations in cases where a distinction is required by the participating acquirer. If this default behaviour has been modified to process pre-authorisations by default, you can override this on a transaction-by-transaction basis by following the instructions below.

If you are not sure whether your site has been configured to process pre-authorisations or final authorisations, click here to learn how to check using Portal.

Payment Pages

You will need to include the authmethod field in the POST submitted to Trust Payments, with the value “FINAL” to indicate the transaction will be a final authorisation. (This overrides the default behaviour on the site reference when submitted)


Request example

If you need to override the site reference’s default auth method to process a final authorisation, include the following in your POST to Payment Pages:

<input type="hidden" name="authmethod" value="FINAL">

Important: If including the above in your POST, the value of the field authmethod needs to be included in the correct position within the string used to generate your request site security hash. Failure to do so will result in the customer being shown an “Invalid details” error message. Click here for further information on site security, and the default order of fields in the string.


You will need to update the payload submitted within your JWT to include the additional field authmethod, with value “FINAL”, as shown below. When submitted, this overrides the default settings on your account.

The authmethod field can only be submitted in THREEDQUERY and AUTH requests.

If a value for the authmethod field is submitted to the acquirer during authorisation, it will always be returned within the response.


Request example

The following payload example includes the authmethod field to override the account’s default setting to process a final authorisation:

JS Library payload Mobile SDK payload
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