Transaction search wildcards

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Use the drop-down boxes to change the type of search performed:

Full Match

If you select “is” from the dropdown next to a field name, this allows you to search for requests that match the specified criteria exactly.

Partial Match

If you select “is like” from the dropdown next to a field name, you can include wildcards in your search to perform more advanced queries.
Please note: Wildcards cannot be included in the first 5 characters of a search.

% The percentage symbol can be used as a substitute for zero or more characters.

For example, “ABCDE%” in the “Order reference” search box would return the following results:

  • ABCDE12345
  • ABCDE-E-5
_ The underscore character can be used as a substitute for a single character.

For example, “123ABC_56” in the “Order reference” search box would return the following results:

  • 123ABC_56
  • 123ABC456
  • 123ABCD56

  You can escape wildcards by preceding them with a backslash “\” character.
e.g. Searching for order reference “123ABC\_56”
would only return a request with order reference “123ABC_56”

No match

If you select “is not” from the dropdown next to a field name, this allows you to exclude requests that match the specified criteria exactly.

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