Payout terminal

  Last updated: 

 The “Payout terminal” allows you to manually process payouts (CFT refunds) to your customers.
This will credit the customer’s card with the amount specified on the page.

  Required user roles

Site admin

  How to access

Select “Transactions” from the left and then “Payout terminal“.

Screenshot of Payout terminal (Click to expand)


  You can only process a refund using the Payout terminal if your acquiring bank has issued you with a CFT (Cardholder Funds Transfer) merchant number. This functionality is supported for merchants with a Trust Payments acquiring account, but if you are using a different acquiring bank, you will need to contact our Support Team to check this feature is supported before proceeding.

  Mastercard MoneySend Payments are not currently supported via the Payout terminal. Contact our Support Team for more information.


Process a payout

Fill in the form with the customer’s payment, billing and delivery details and press the “Process” button in the bottom-right of the page. This will credit the customer’s card with the amount specified.

  If you intend to re-use credentials in a future payment, you will need to set the Credentials on file value to “1 – Credentials stored for re-use”.

  • This field can be found under the “Transaction details” heading.
  • This is mandated by Visa and Mastercard.

Any re-authorisations processed using this transaction as the parent must also pass through Credentials on file value “2”.

Click here to learn more about Credentials on File.


Following the payout being performed, you will then be presented with details of the processed request as confirmation:

  • Transaction reference – Each transaction processed is identified on our system by its unique transaction reference. This can be found at the top of the page (e.g. “5-9-4903497”).
  • Result – A notification will be shown, stating whether the transaction was authorised successfully or if there was an error.
  • Summary – There is a brightly-coloured box that summarises the key aspects of the transaction. It contains the current status (e.g. “Pending settlement transaction”), the amount and currency, as well as the card number and payment method used.
  • Transaction details – This section displays all additional payout information, presented below the summary box.



IIN lookup

The IIN (Issuer Identification Number) is taken from the first 6-9 numbers of a card and can be used to identify basic information about the card. The IIN lookup functionality allows users to enter the IIN (or an entire card number) into the Virtual terminal and retrieve this information.

The IIN lookup service enables telephone order sales assistants to check the origin of a customer’s payment card and determine whether it attracts a premium interchange rate. This is especially important where the card product may be a commercial card or a consumer premium product card issued outside of the EU or EEA region. Our system will assist you determining if the card is subject to a higher level of interchange. Where a higher level of interchange is sought, the telephone order sales assistant will be able to add the level of interchange as an additional service fee.

Refer to the following resources for further info on interchange rates:   VISA   Mastercard

Important: Card issuers regularly update the IIN ranges, affecting the information that is returned by this service. We regularly update our records, but cannot guarantee to return the most recent details in all cases.

Processing the lookup

You can enter the following data into the Card number field:

  • Entire unmasked card number.
  • Masked card number (providing the IIN is not masked).
  • The first 6-9 numbers of a card.


Press the magnifying glass button next to the card number to submit the IIN lookup request.

Upon entering a valid IIN or card number, if the information is available to be returned, you will be presented with the following information:

  • Card brand – The name of the payment method.
  • Payment type description – The English description of the payment method
  • Bin category – Type of card identified (e.g. consumer or commercial card)
  • Issuer name
  • Issuer country


Field specification

If you would like to learn more about the fields submitted on this page, please refer to this field specification.


"Transaction details"

Field Description
Site reference The unique site reference through which the payout will be processed.
Operator username This is pre-filled with your MyST username (this cannot be modified).
Request This can only be set to “REFUND”.
Order reference You can assign a custom reference for the payout for your own records.
Settle due date Date the payout will be submitted for settlement. If no date is set, this defaults to using today’s date, meaning settlement will be attempted within 24 hours.
Settle status

The settle status value the payout will be set to immediately after it has been processed.

Click here to learn more about the settle status.

Account The account used to process the transaction can only be set to “CFT / OCT (Refund)”.
Credentials on file Indicates whether payment credentials will be stored for future requests:
  • 0 – Credentials not to be re-used.
  • 1 – Credentials stored for re-use.

If you intend to re-use credentials in a future payment, you will need to set the Credentials on file value to “1 – Credentials stored for re-use”.

Click here to learn more about Credentials on File.


"Payment details"

Field Description
Authorised amount Amount to be credited to the customer’s card (e.g. “10.99” or “10,99”).
Currency The currency of the payout (e.g. “GBP”).
Payment type The payment type used to process the payout (e.g. “VISA”).
Card number

The customer’s card number.

Click the magnifying glass after typing a card number to perform a look-up for known details about this card.

Expiry date Expiry date found on the front of the customer’s card.
Security code The card’s security code (this is typically 3 digits found on the signature strip on the back of the card – for American Express cards, the security code is 4 digits on the front card).


"Billing details"

Field Description
Title The billing prefix name (e.g. “Mr, Miss, Dr”).
First name The billing first name.
Middle name The billing middle name(s) or initial(s).
Last name The billing last name.
Email The billing email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the ”@” symbol).
Telephone The billing telephone number. Valid characters:
  • Numbers 0-9
  • Spaces
  • Special characters: + – ( )
House name/no. The house number or first line on the billing address.
Street The street on the billing address.
Town The town on the billing address.
County The county on the billing address. For US addresses, the state would be entered in this field. Valid formats:
  • Preferred: Two character state code, e.g. “NY”.
  • Full state name, e.g. “New York”.

The country on the billing address. This will need to be in ISO2A format.

Click here for a full list of country codes.

Postcode The postcode or ZIP code on the billing address. This must be a valid postcode/ZIP code for the billing country submitted.


"Delivery details"

Field Description
Title The delivery prefix name (e.g. “Mr, Miss, Dr”).
First name The delivery first name.
Middle name The delivery middle name(s) or initial(s).
Last name The delivery last name.
Email The delivery email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the ”@” symbol).
Telephone The delivery telephone number. Valid characters:
  • Numbers 0-9
  • Spaces
  • Special characters: + – ( )
House name/no. The house number or first line on the delivery address.
Street The street on the delivery address.
Town The town on the delivery address.
County The county on the delivery address. For US addresses, the state would be entered in this field. Valid formats:
  • Preferred: Two character state code, e.g. “NY”.
  • Full state name, e.g. “New York”.

The country on the delivery address. This will need to be in ISO2A format.

Click here for a full list of country codes.

Postcode The postcode or ZIP code on the delivery address. This must be a valid postcode/ZIP code for the delivery country submitted.
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