Managing your users

  Last updated: 

  Unfortunately, the product documented here is currently only available in English.


The following information is for Admin users who are looking to enrol their MyST child users in Portal.

When managing your Portal users, please be aware that:


Activating your Users

When you sign in to Portal and look at your list of users, you will find that we have already migrated your users to the new platform. Before they can sign in and start using their new Portal accounts, you will need to follow the steps below to activate your users.

  1. Select “Settings" and then "Users” from the left navigation bar. This displays a list of your users.

  2. Users that have not yet been migrated to Portal are shown with status "STAGED".

  3. To the right of users to be migrated, click   under the Action column, then "Activate user" from the context menu that appears. When prompted, click "Confirm" from the dialog box to complete the action.


  4. The selected user will receive an email with a link to sign in to Portal for the first time. They will be prompted to set a new password and configure their Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

      Until the migration process has been completed, the user's status will be set to "PROVISIONED".
  5. Once this process has been completed, the user's status will update to "ACTIVE".

      The user has 7 days to complete this process. If they fail to migrate within this time limit, you can re-send the email by repeating the steps above but instead clicking "Resend activation email" from the Actions context menu. This re-sends the activation email and resets the time limit.


User Roles



  All Portal users are assigned Roles that determine the actions they are permitted to perform.

With the launch of Portal, we redesigned the user roles from the ground up with the objective of simplifying the existing list currently employed by MyST. When enrolling in Portal, all users coming from MyST are automatically assigned a new Portal user role that most closely matches their MyST role. We have taken care to review this process to ensure users are not granted additional privileges when their new Portal role is assigned.

We encourage administrators to review our full list of new Portal user roles and re-assign the roles automatically given to their users if necessary. See the list below for further detail on how roles have been re-assigned:


These users have unfettered access to all Portal features we provide to our merchants, including transaction, site(s), user and account management. New to Portal, multiple admins can now be created to manage the same site(s).

MyST users mapped to this role
  • Site admin
List of permissions
  • User can access API management.
  • View dashboard showing metrics on recent transaction activity.
  • View details of recent transactions processed on your site(s).
  • View acquirer fees on processed transactions.
  • Re-auth, refund, update and manage transactions.
  • Generate reports on transactions processed on your site(s).
  • View merchant statements (feature only available to those using TRU Acquiring).
  • View records of chargebacks incurred against transactions processed on your site(s).
  • View your site(s) configuration.
  • Configure and manage rules on your site(s).
  • Upload and manage files on your site(s).
  • Process new payments using our Virtual Terminal.
  • Process payouts using our Payout terminal.
  • Request a payment by generating a unique link to a hosted checkout page.
  • User can pay for use of Trust Payments products and services on behalf of their organisation.
  • View and manage their sub-users.
  • View details of user roles that can be assigned to users in their organisation.
  • View and update details of Access Groups that can be assigned to users in their organisation.

  Tips for Admins

  • To view your users, click "Settings" from the left, then "Users". They will be listed in a table.

  • You will be able to view info on all users that you share at least one site reference with.
  • You can only edit a given user if you administrate all site references assigned to their account.
  • Users migrated from MyST who have not yet been emailed a link to enrol in Portal will be shown with status "STAGED".
  • While no action is needed (we send out these emails automatically in batches), you can click "Activate user" from the Actions drop-down on the right to initiate the enrolment process manually.
  • Users who have already been emailed the link to enrol are shown with status "PROVISIONED".

  • Click here to learn about all possible user statuses.


These users can process payments using the Virtual Terminal, manage transactions and view info about your site(s). But access to deeper site configuration such as rule/file management is restricted.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • Basic user
  • Transaction admin
  • Transaction admin 2
  • Site user
  • Site user 2
List of permissions
  • View dashboard showing metrics on recent transaction activity.
  • View details of recent transactions processed on your site(s).
  • Re-auth, refund, update and manage transactions.
  • Generate reports on transactions processed on your site(s).
  • Process new payments using our Virtual Terminal.


This restricted role allows users to process payments via the Virtual Terminal.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • Virtual terminal user
  • Virtual terminal user 2
List of permissions
  • Process new payments using our Virtual Terminal.


This restricted role allows users to request payments via Pay by Link.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • Pay by Link
List of permissions
  • Request a payment by generating a unique link to a hosted checkout page.


This restricted role can only view details of transactions processed on your account and generate reports.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • View only transactions
  • View only transactions 2
List of permissions
  • View dashboard showing metrics on recent transaction activity.
  • View details of recent transactions processed on your site(s).
  • Generate reports on transactions processed on your site(s).


This role grants the user full access to the Rule Manager and File Manager for the purposes of performing advanced configuration on your account while limiting transaction access to view only.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • Developer
  • Developer 2
List of permissions
  • View your site(s) configuration.
  • Configure and manage rules on your site(s).
  • Upload and manage files on your site(s).
  • View dashboard showing metrics on recent transaction activity.
  • View details of recent transactions processed on your site(s).
  • Generate reports on transactions processed on your site(s).


This role grants the user access to details of transactions processed on your site, allowing them to view dashboards, generate reports and view statements.

MyST users mapped to this role
  • View only transactions, fees and merchant statements
List of permissions
  • View dashboard showing metrics on recent transaction activity.
  • View details of recent transactions processed on your site(s).
  • View acquirer fees on processed transactions.
  • Generate reports on transactions processed on your site(s).
  • View merchant statements (feature only available to those using TRU Acquiring).
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