SoftPOS Error Codes

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If you encounter an error while processing a request using the SoftPOS by Trust Payments app, please refer to the list of error codes below to help troubleshoot the cause:

In-app error codes

These error codes are displayed in the app to indicate an issue occurred:

Error code Description
02-1100 Unable to log in because network not reachable. Check your network settings and try again.
10-1102 Transaction request timeout. This may be due to a connection issue on your device or an issue with the service. Check your network settings and try again.
10-100 Unable to complete transaction because network not reachable. Check your network settings and try again.
10-204 Unable to complete the transaction because your user cannot be authenticated. Please retry authentication.

Gateway error codes

These error codes can be found by searching in MyST for the failed request and looking at the error code field displayed.

Error code Description
0 The request to the gateway was processed successfully.
70000 The transaction was declined by your bank.

There has been a problem processing the request and the final status is not known. This can be due to a communication problem with a bank or third party.

Contact our Support Team for assistance.

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